
Saturday, August 18, 2018


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Things are getting off to a good start, the sun is shining, mum is out of bed and I am just chilling.
 Mum finished making her purple hats, at least for now. She has made over 30 hats for babies in the Click for Babies thing to help prevent infant abuse. Me, I just like playing with the leftover yarn!
 Mum was out shopping and got some fancy ear bobs to wear to her nephew's wedding in a few months. She found a good dress, now her ears will be all fancy too. I wanted to play with them but mum took them away and put them in a safe place. Mum says the place she got them was going out of bizzness so they were not super expensive!
Otherwise not much going on around here. Me and mum will chill today. Well I will chill, I have no idea of what mum will be getting into today.


  1. Happy Caturday, Ducky. It's great your mom is doing such a nice thing for the babies. We always love hearing stuff like that. It fills our heart with happiness. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. Hope mom has a great time at the wedding,
    World of Animals

  2. Your mum has been busy making all of those hats! The earrings are very pretty. Sapphires are my favourite.

  3. Have a good Caturday! We are going to chill here too.

  4. Your mom is amazing ! The earrings are really pretty. Purrs

  5. That's a lot of hats, and what a great cause!
    Ducky, the cobalt blue of those earrings look good against your ginger fur!

  6. I'm so pleased for your mum's ears. But what about your ears, Ducky. I know - they're very fine looking without further embellishment, but I think that what's good for the mum is also good for the cat, so a nice pair of sparkly ornaments would have been nice.

    Sydney, Australia


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