
Saturday, September 29, 2018


HiYa, Ducky here. It has gotten much cooler here so mum turned on the heaty monster last evening. So you know where I went, yep, the hammick by the heaty spot.
Mum is pretty much back to her normal routine. She helped at the library book sale the past two days, she said they had sold a lot of stuff. Last day of the sale is today, but mum won't be working the sale today.

Mum will be getting her flu shot today, use the grass eater and then off for dinner with Miss Lynn,


  1. Ducky, that's a purfect spot to have your hammock at. You look so adorable on it. Glad to hear your mums library book sale was a hit. We love that the cooler weather is here now. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend and a delicious dinner with Miss Lynn.
    World of Animals

  2. That's a great spot to have your ham-mick. We have had our log burner lit the last 2 nights because it has turned a lot colder.

  3. My human needs to get her flu shot soon - normally she actually would not get one, but she needs it for our therapy cat visits.

  4. A hammick is a great place for a nap ! Purrs

  5. Ducky,, you look so comfortable !

  6. MY favorite spot is MY hammick by the radiator! But it's kind of hot today--we get our summer in September and October.

  7. Yay for the heaty monster. Enjoy.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Ducky, you are gonna combust from being so heated!


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