
Monday, September 24, 2018

ManCat Monday

There are three basic personality factors in cats: The kind who run up when you say hello and rub against you in cheap romance; the kind who run away certain that you mean to ravish them; and the kind who just look back and don't move a muscle. I love all three kinds. - Eve Babitz

Derby was the first type, he as always hanging about and and loving on people. I am sort of a mix of the other two. I loves my mum, others not so much. Although with mum gone I did get friendly with my two caregivers. Yep, I let them pet me! Miss Kellie even sent mum a video, but we can't get it to work here in the blog, so Mum will work on it to get it loaded somewhere you can see it.

I have been hanging by mum as much as I can, to the point I think she is getting annoyed at me. Well sorry deary, you leave me for over two weeks I am going to hang by you, sleep on or by you as much as I want. I am even coming in the kitchen every time she goes there hoping to get gooshy foods.

One of the coolest things that I cared about mum's trip is that she got to meet fact to face the The Chan's, Tommy and the V's #1 face to face. I had her take some treats for them and they selected some stuff for me too.
 Treats and toys and a couple of little things for mum. Are you sure the bag is empty? Yeah, it is.
 Thanks very much gang. I will work on these treats once I finish the open bags that Miss Kellie brought me. She even brought me a few new toys. She is now my new best buddy other than mum!
Mum got all of the clothes washed that she took with her, so getting more back to normal here. But she still has to go through all of the stuff she bought there. Stuff for her and stuff to give to other people. This is what the spare bed looks like.
Mum has some small books about the places she saw, specially the churches and museums. Stuff for gifts for Miss Kellie and Miss Jane for caring for me, a few small things for others. Magnets to put on the cold box, book marks and post cards. Even a couple with cats!

So things are slowly getting back to normal. We hope to have a quiet week and mum hopes her body clock gets on local time soon too.

Happy week to you all.


  1. It was nice that your mum got to meet #1. I have met her during two of her trips to England. Those are lovely gifts she got for you and your mum.
    Eric was the first type of cat. Flynn was more the second type until he got to know you, then he would be friendlier.

  2. I think it is so exciting that your human got to meet #1 and the Chans and Tommy! I will tell you a secret - I am none of the cats described! I am polite and professional in my interactions with humans. I don't assertively solicit attention, but I give affection when it is needed.

  3. Ducky, when I traveled to England, I brought back bookmarks and postcards too! And greeting cards, thinking that I'll send them out over time...but I find that I'm hoarding them instead! LOL!

  4. Looks like your mum had a wonderful time meeting the Chan's and #1. We hope to see the video when your mum has it posted. You have some wonderful gifts there. That was so nice of them. We hope with her being back it will be extra cuddle time. Glad to read that you loved your caregivers. Thanks for the share. have a great day.
    World of Animals

  5. We are all three types in different times.

    Emma and Buster

  6. Well, I think you deserve gooshy foods twice per day from now until Christmas, Ducky.

    Sydnry, Australia (on a borrowed device)

  7. Ducky, we were wondering who filled in for your mum while she was away. Which, by the way, we don't approve of her doing! It's good you got some fun stuff as a start to her making up her absence to you.

  8. What a great bunch of treats! Glad your mum is back!

  9. So your Mom not only abandoned you but she had affairs with foreign cats??? You gotta make her pay, Ducky. A few treats just isn't gonna cut it. You're gonna need some long-term making up from her. We're glad she at least had someone to take care of you and FEED you for heaven's sake!! I bet she had FUN too. She owes you some of that, too, playtime on demand for weeks and weeks!

  10. We are so happy your and your mum are back together again and that she had a wonderful trip! Looking forward to seeing more pictures of the trip!

  11. We are a 4th. Run away and hide! Well, *I* will watch carefully for a few minutes and sit closer to a stranger. ~ IZA


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