
Monday, November 12, 2018

ManCat Monday

A house is not a home without a cat. - Beth Campbell

Mum went away for a few days. Seems the nephew purrson in the family was getting married. Mum feels it is important to show up for significant family events and weddings are those kind of events.

Mum went all out, bought a new dress, shoes and all that jazz. Plus paying to go fly there, rent a car, stay in a hotel etc.I think she cleaned up purrty good.
 So a few other things. The happy couple at the rehearsal dinner.
Mum said the cake was good, it had razzberry filling and she loves razzberry.
 Mum's grand nieces were the flower girls in their nice dresses and sparkly shoes.
Mum and her brofurs, plus her newer sister-in-law, who is from Beijing China! Mum says the last time they were all together was nearly eight years ago at Grampie's funeral.

I am happy to have mum home. She knows the drill, she gets inside and sits down so I can come and sit on her for a bit. Plus Miss Kellie came over to make sure I was OK, play with me and all that good stuff. She got her kittie fix by coming over to see me. Thanks Miss Kellie.

Feetsball Report 

The Pack - they won! Mum got to check on the score as she walked through the airport and they were leading. She got home in time to see the last half.

Have a good week everyone.


  1. Awww, the nephew and his wife look happy together.

  2. What a happy event! Weddings are awesome.

  3. We're sure your mum enjoyed spending time with family, especially at such a happy event. Glad she's home for you Ducky.

  4. Concatulations to the new married couple! I spent some time with family this weekend too, but to attend my niece's dance recital. My sister (niece's mom) isn't ready for her children to be married; she'd lose her mind if any one her three get married in the next few years!

  5. Congrats to the happy couple. Your mum looks lovely in her new outfit.

  6. Your mum looks fabulous in these pics. Thank you for sharing them with us. I'm always concerned to hear that you've been left at home without her but I hope Miss Kellie was an adequate substitute and that she gave you extra treats to help make it up to you.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. So nice your mom got to see family again at such a happy occasion.

    Emma and Buster

  8. Looks like your mum had fun, Ducky. It's always nice to see family, and what a sweet-looking couple!

  9. We’re glad your mom had a good time at the wedding.

  10. We are glad your mum had such a great time at the wedding. That cake sure does look delicious. We are happy Ms. Kellie was there to feed you and play with you while mum was gone. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  11. Huge congratulations to the wonderful couple and Mom you look great!! You also chose one of my most favorite quotes! xoxo


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