
Saturday, December 8, 2018


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Right now the sun is coming up, the sun filling the living room. The heaty monster is running, so the best place to be is my hammick. The warm air blowing under me. AHHHH, so nice.
Then maybe a bit later I will get up on my perch and soak up some of that sunshine. It may look warm but it is cold outside. Mum needs to bundle up if she goes out.
A few of you commented on Thursday's post about cord chewing. Neither Derby nor I have ever done that and mum is eternally grateful for that. Derby liked to chew on plastic bags, and me, I don't like to chew on stuff other than my foods!

Mum will have to get out today and get some library stuff back. She finished watching The Crown, Season 2 yesterday. Well, actually seeing it for the second time. She watched it all last weekend, then waits a few days and watches it again. She get stuff she missed the first time cuz she wasn't paying attention.

Plus she took herself to the moovies this week to see Bohemian Rhapsody, she really liked that.

Once mum gets her outside chores done, then home to work on the Christmouse cards. She has made a start, but really needs to get cracking on them.

Happy weekend. Stay safe and warm.


  1. Mom's had a few cord biters but only on stereo speaker wires, thankfully. Her old cat Cowbell liked to chew on shower curtain liners! Like you, though, we only like to chew on food.

    Stay warm!

  2. Yes, I too must get to work on the holiday cards! Ducky, we have bright sunshine, but it's darn cold out there.

  3. My human needs to see Bohemian Rhapsody - she is the only person among her friends who hasn't seen it yet.

  4. My mum saw Bohemian Rhapsody and loved it! Said she could see it again.

  5. Looks like you need to increase your level of snoopervision, Ducky, to make sure that your mum gets those Christmouse cards finished and in the mail.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. I really am looking forward to seeing Bohemian Rhapsody - good to hear from someone who saw it. You sure are a beautiful cat Ducky - stay snuggly warm and Happy Caturday!

  7. thank COD Cody isn't a cord chewer either, God knows he chews everything else lol


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