
Monday, December 3, 2018

ManCat Monday

When it meows, one scarcely hears it... It has not the need of words to speak the lengthiest phraseologies. - Charles Baudelaire

Happy Monday to all. A little bit of snow arrived over night. Probably not even enuf for mum to need to shovel. She likes those kinds of snow storms. It was more rainy, cloudy and gloomy over the weekend.

So what did mum do? She binged! Not food, although she thinks she would be good at that! No she gave the old DVR machine a workout with watching a moovie, Ratatouille. Then she took that back to the library and picked up The Crown Season 2. She got through all of that by Sunday night. She will go back and watch it again afore she takes it back. 
 Mum got a pic of one of the blue jays that has been visiting this year. We don't always see them, but we do hear them lots.
 Mum caught me sunning myself on a nice day last week in the front window. On nice days I like to nap there and soak up some solar power.

Feetsball Report

The Pack lost to a not so good team yesterday. Figured a poor team, coming from a warm area having to play in the snow, The Pack should have done better. It was so bad they even fired the coach, which mum has been hoping for for at least the past year. Not likely to be making the playoffs this year for the second year in a row.

Afor we heard the news about the coach getting the boot mum had figured out a new song.

All we want for Christmas is a new head coach, 
a new head coach,
a new head coach,
All we want for Christmas is a new head coach, 
So maybe we can win the Stouper Bowl again.

Hope every one has a good week.


  1. I'm sorry that your feetsball team isn't going to make the playoffs this year. Hopefully, a new head coach will set you up for a better season in 2019.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We talk new head coach for the Detroit Lions too, but whom is the question! The photo of the blue jay is beautiful, but I hear they are very rascally. Ducky, you look terrific in the window, warming yourself in the sun!

  3. I hope your team do better when they get a new head coach. That is a nice photo of you enjoying the sun.

  4. We had snow yesterday morning and then later, rain. We all snuggled on the couch.

    Nice jay!

  5. We just want our Lions to make it to a Super Bowl. But not this year...again.

  6. I agree that the Packers made a DUMB mistake...HUGE!

  7. Well, just be sure to tell your Mum the Pack does NOT want Hue Jackson !

  8. Oh how the Human loved Claire Foy* in the Crown! She is looking forward to seson 3, but will miss the "original" Elizabeth and Phillip. As far as feetsball goes, we do not expect the 49s to have a winning season again, EVER. The Pack AND the Lions both have won twice as many games as these sad sacks. Sigh.

    * She just saw First Man (about the moon landing and Claire Foy plays Neil Armstrong's wife. It was weird to hear her talk in that flat American accent, and another surprise was that she has a lot of freckles!

  9. We are also not loving feetball here in DC. But that is becoming normal. We do love women's basketball from U of MD.

  10. Meant to add that I follow the ball around on the screen and tap at it. I could play that game! ~ AYLA

  11. That front window of yours is the best, Ducky!

  12. That blue jay is beautiful ! Purrs


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