
Monday, January 14, 2019

ManCat Monday

If you call a cat and it comes running, what you have is a dog.

Me and mum had a quiet weekend. She did some chores around the house, some cooking, cleaning. A bit of fevver watching. As you can see from below I also kept one eye on mum too!
 The big snowstorm missed  us to the south, still no snow on the ground. We can see some small piles of snow where it was shoveled into a pile.

Mum also watched some of the feetsball. Some teams she was happy won, others not so much. Our Packers are not in it this year. But the team does have a new coach. We will have to see how he does next season.

So mum has stuff going on this week, so she will be out and about. You all have a wonderful week.


  1. It is really hot here. We could do with a cool draft.

  2. We're glad the snowstorm didn't hit you ! Purrs

  3. We had rain and cold and snow and then more rain. We like your one eyed watch, Ducky!

  4. I'm glad that you're keeping an eye on your mum, Ducky. You can never be sure what mischief she might get up to.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. About that quote... If TBT calls us, we often come running. IF the word "dinnertime" is in his call...


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.