
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Throw Back Thursday

The guys continued to work on the trees on Wednesday, mum is happy, the mulberry tree came down! I will report more on Caturday.

It got cold here, so when mum goes outside she is all bundled up, ear muffs on, mittens on. She went out to fill the fevver feeders as they need foods too.
 Not to worry, I kept warm either sleeping by the heaty spot or sitting next to mum soaking up her warms. Plus I got all sorts of exercise batting around a small ball of yarn from an old project.
Our throw back today takes us to January 2009, before I got here. Mum was into everything Derby.

From Friday January 9, 2009

Derby Here, Derby There, Derby Everywhere

Mum is always on the outlook for mentions of Derby, that are not me. Here is a few we have found.
Here is one from a book she was reading, that mentions Derby figures. Mum can't exactly remember the book she was reading at the time. She thinks it was something that some one wrote as a look at what happened after Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' ended.
On Caturday January 3, in the English Soccer, football to my UK furiends, Derby was playing at Forest Green. I wonder if Derby has a good team or not?
This was from a magazine that mum found when she and Grampie went up North last fall. We have a Derby track and a Derby Inn!

It is going to be snowing lots again today, the most we have gotten since Christmouse Eve. Mum has been happy for the break of snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow. Plus next week their are talking about EXTREMELY COLD temperatures. Mum and I need to be prepared to snuggle up really good to stay warm


  1. That ball of yarn is like a pen line, marking out the route you took as you batted it around Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Da Boyz chew on too much stuff, so my yarn is hidden away. The cold has reached us too, and some soft snow falls too. Not bad, for 1/3 way into January...for Michigan!

  3. That yarn sure looks like fun, Ducky! Thanks for the Derbyfied flashback.

  4. Staying warm sounds like a good idea, Ducky ! Purrs

  5. DOOD !!! grate ta see ya bak thiz way...wear haz ya been !! hope 2019 iz total lee awesum for ewe N mum N bringz lotz oh happeez healtheez N burd free dayz ~~~~~ ♥♥☺☺

  6. Looks like you had a lot of fun with your ball of yarn.
    Your mum found a lot of Derbys in different places.

  7. Good decision on the mulberry tree. I had one and regretted it. It drops shoe-staining berries and more grow when you aren't looking.


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