
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday This and That

Me and mum are keeping warm. She did go outside to clear a bit of snow from the driveway. She was all bundled up and wasn't out for more than 10 minutes. After lunch she put in warm water to fill up the fevver bath.
 It looks all shivvery out there. Cold white snow, clear skies. Schools are being closed cuz of the really cold weather, even the library will be closed. Everyone is to be home and safe where it it warm.
Mum sits, sort of naps and I sits on her to help keep her warm. She puts a big fat blankie on her lap to help keep her warm. We feel sorry for those who do have to be out, emergency peoples, the mail people. Mum says she would be OK missing a day of mail when it is this cold. Heck, today we got one little piece of throw away mail. That could have waited a few days. We have our own heaty monster peoples to call on. Our heaty monster was checked out and tuned up months ago!

Stay warm and safe gang.


  1. That is a lot of snow and it looks very cold. Keep your mum indoors in the warm, Ducky.

  2. That sure does look like a lot of snow. We hope you and mum stay nice and warm in the house. Thanks for the share. Now go relax and keep your mum warm. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  3. We just got an update on the news and boy, we don't envy you one bit. Please stay safe and warm.

  4. At least February is just around the corner...closer to Spring!

  5. It’s sure nice to see you and I’m glad you are keeping cozy and warm!

  6. It was very sensible of your mum to have your heaty monster tuned up well in advance of the cold weather. Well done mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Hope you can stay all warm and snug in your beds under your blankies! We read it might be almost -30 in Wisconsin. Stay warm and safe, Janet & Ducky XOXOXO

  8. We need ta get TBT ta find a water warmer pot fer the birdies! The more of them the better and we know they need ta flutter in water an drink some.

  9. I'm glad you guys are staying warm during this super cold weather!

  10. Our relatives in Racine said their mail was cancelled today. Stay warm there!

  11. dood.....itz a brisk few in de land oh trout two....knot even a bucket oh trout wood get uz out in thiz safe ! ☺☺♥♥

  12. hoping you and Mum are still keeping warm!


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