
Saturday, February 16, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. I'm a bit, MOL, I am very late with today's post. Mum was all distracted with other stuff today. What other stuff, well, it's her purrthday. So Happy Purrthday Mum! She is another year older than dirt!

So last night she went out and partied with furiends. She didn't stay out super late, but she did stay out later than she usually does. One of her furiends bought her a cellybrating adult beverage. Then she bought him one as his purrthday is Sunday!

So mum was a bit later getting up today, then she went off to a garden talk on the new purrenials for your garden. The talker guy runs a grower not far away, so you know that the plants are suited for our area.

Then on the way home she stopped at the food store to get herself a cupcake for her purrthday. It was carrot cake, although mum says the cakey part was super heavy cake. But she says it tasted good.
 We spent the afternoon curled up together. She readed her book and I napped on her. It was a lovely day.
Mum is finally of the phone thingy, someone called to wish her happy purrthday. Now we can just relax!


  1. Happy birthday mum!

    Now Ducky - I'm concerned about your description that your mum is another year older than dirt. To my mind, the dirt is also a year older than it used to be, so your mum is the still the same degree older than the dirt than she was last year. Do you agree?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Happy Birthday to your mum. Her cupcake looks delicious and it sounds like she had a perfect day.

    Julie and Poppyq

  3. Happy birthday to your mum. I am glad she had a good time with her friends.

  4. Happy Birthday Mum! A great way to celebrate - fun with friends and then treating yourself. Sending care and hugs from Wellington, New Zealand,
    Michelle xx (and some scritches for Ducky too)

  5. Happy Birthday to your mom ! We're glad she had a nice celebration with friends ! Purrs

  6. Happy Birthday to your Mom from all of us!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday to your precious Mama!!! Love that carrot cupcake!!!

  8. Happy (slightly belated)birthday to your human! My human wants carrot cake now... but I told her it's not HER birthday, MOL!

  9. Its nice to sit in a lap when the Bein is reading a book. They dont move very much.

  10. Happy Purrthday to your Mum - it sounds like you got to have a good day with her too !

  11. Happy Purrthday to your mum! Sounds like she had a great day. The best part of it, of course, spending time with you.



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