
Monday, February 18, 2019

ManCat Monday

The difference between a cat and a dog is that a cat can bark .... and doesn't.

MEOW! I thank you all for your purrthday wishes for mum. We had a quiet Sunday, just watching the snow fall. Yep, we got more snow again on Sunday.

So mum and I had a quiet Sunday. We watched fevvers, napped, and watched crashcar! Oh and they did crash a lot of cars.

So everyone have a good week. Me and mum are hoping it stops snowing for this winter soon.


  1. A cat would have absolutely no interest in barking, would it Ducky? Dreadful noise, especially when you have meowing and purring as communication alternatives.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We are having almost spring-like weather here. Too bad you and your Mum can't come over for a bit.

    The Chans

  3. I caught some of the race, and 18 cars crashed right near the end of the race! It was very scary; there were lots of sparks! And about 6 inches of snow overnight...but The 'O' Cats received their breakfast on time!

  4. I hope the snow ends soon for you guys too.

  5. We hope you don't get more snow ! Purrs

  6. I hope your snow soon stops. The jet stream has brought us spring like weather with sun and mild temperatures.

  7. Happy belated birthday to your mum, Ducky! We missed it. We're expecting snow tonight.

  8. We kitties have much better ways to command attention.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.