
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday This and That

Me and mum had a quiet day. She did go shopping for some new fevver feeders. Went to one store and didn't see anything she wanted or liked. Found stuff at the second store. Plus what she found costed her less green papers.
So we were sitting earlier watching out the back, fevvers, snow piles. The occasional human and woofie walking on the trail. Yeah, and we have gotten lots of snow in the past month. From January 18 to February 18 we got over 3 feet of snow and more is coming on Wednesday, Caturday / Sunday and then Tuesday. Enough already! Mum is really bummed on the snow on Wednesday as she has places to get to, so she just can't stay home. 
Plus I found this on mum's phone, yep, a picture of a woofie. Mum says this is Elliot, the woofie of the guy who does her taxes. Mum got those done on Monday and we are getting a refund! Woohoo.
Farewell Wally! Our hearts are broken and sad that you ran off to The Bridge. I am sure your fellow gingers like Derby will meet you and show you around. Plus, if the island needs a ginger, I am available to be an island cat.


  1. I hope the weather guessers have got it wrong and you don't get that snow! That is good news that your mum is getting a tax refund.

  2. That is way too much snow, we sure hope it lets up soon.

  3. Man, what do the snowmakers have against you guys? I hope it slows down soon!

  4. I'm very concerned to be told that your mum has a picture of a woofie on her phone. Yes, he may well belong with the chap who's got your mum a tax refund, but still ...

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Ducky, say it ain't so...that you'd run off to be an Island Cat! What would your momma do?

  6. ice heer iz whatz makin uz inn sane thiz yeer; mor oh it.. it seemz... than in de past......faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....tell virginger ta come outta hidin, may bee that will help uz all :) ♥♥

  7. DUCKY< We know you would like to make The Island Crew feel better, but please don;t abandon your Mama for more than just a visit ! Purrs

  8. You have to be very brave and resourceful to live in Wisconsin in the winter!

  9. We're sorry you're getting some more snow ! Stay warm ! We're very sad for Wally too. Purrs


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