
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Gotcha Anniversary #9

Three thousand two hundred and ninety days ago, yeah, 9 years ago today I conned mum into taking me home. Well, maybe not conned, but she fell in love with my quiet softness.
 Here I am in my little apartment, hey get me out of this place. Hey nice lady(now mum) you need to take me home!
 She asked to take a closer look at me. So into the little meet and greet room. She had a chance to play with me a bit, pet me, and yes I posed. I didn't know at the time the flashy box would become a major part of my life. 
 Mum brought me home and I promptly headed under the bed. I felt safe there, but mum got down on the floor and I soon came out.
Posing so nice on the sleepy spot for her. I felt really comfortable with her really fast. I got to hang with her in the sleepy spot and I still like to hang out with her in the sleepy spot.

Now for a few more recent pictures. I haven't really changed that much and I really feel like a kitten sometimes. I love to play and race around the house.  Watch fevvers and hang out with mum.
 Here I am from a few days ago on the couch with mum and yes, I trust her so much I even let her touch my tummeh. Lots of loving rubs.
What was nice yesterday was that mum stayed home with me. Cuz of all the snow she cancelled going to a library thingy over in Mad Town, even though she only had to drive part of the way. It wouldn't have been an easy drive even for that short way. She just stayed home and dealt with the snow and it is still snowing! Hopefully today it will start to get nice with a bit of sun.

So mum has put out a buffet so we can cellybrate, plus champagne as well. CHEERS!


  1. You look gorgeous Ducky. Happy Gotcha anniversary. Please come to my birthday party. I long to see you. Sasha at Diamond's blog.

  2. Happy gotcha day, Ducky! You do look pretty much the same as you did all those years ago... only happier!

  3. We remember your gotcha day when you joined Derby. It's hard to believe it was that long ago!

  4. Happy Gotcha, Ducky!! You remind me so much of my guys, who will be 9 in April ❤

  5. ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day Dear Ducky,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you!♪♫

  6. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! Time sure does fly, doesn't it? Our mom remembers when you first arrived home. You are one lucky boy!

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! You sure gotched a great mum!

  8. Happy Gotcha Day from all of us, you sure picked wisely!!!

  9. Happy 9th Gotchaversary, Ducky! You are a handsome mancat!

  10. dood....pleez ta eggz cuze any typoz...we iz knot online two day
    N steeled a cell ewe lar..we did wanna say happee gotcha N heerz
    two a yeer a head filled with happeenezz N healtheez ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  11. Happy Gotcha Day!!! This is a pawsome spread!
    The Florida Furkids

  12. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! I remember when you came to your forever home.

  13. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky ! We wish you a wonderful day ! Purrs

  14. I agree with Summer - you haven't aged much at all in the past nine years Ducky, but now you just look a lot happier. Well done on choosing yourself a wonderful mum.

    Sydney, Australia

  15. Happy Gottcha Day!
    You look lovely in your photos.:)

  16. Happy Gotchs Day, Ducky ! And many more ! It sure turned out great for both of you !

  17. Oh I loved reading about how you were gotted!! (especially the part about the flashy box!) Happy Belated Gotcha Day!! xoxo


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