
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Throw Back Thursday

I didn't hold a grudge against mum for taking me to see the vet man. He is a nice guy, he takes care of Miss Kellie's kitties and woof too. Miss Kellie was one of my care givers while mum went to France.
Here I am yesterday morning, getting my loves from mum first thing in the morning when she got up. She still has to take my poo sample in, but has to wait to get a fresh one from me. MOL.

Today's flashback takes us to cellybrating Squillion Day. Virginger is our Squillion and we love her. She is still in hiding from all the snow and cold, but it was on this day in 2006 that Virginger made her blog debut.

From February 28, 2009

Squillion Day

To all of our 'ramic buddies, the original big Squillions like Virginger, seen here outsdie with a spring flower.
Or to the many mini-Squillions that have been adopted. All of the ones you see below we sent off to Moki so he can auction them off, with Beau helping, so green papers can be raised to help other kitties.
Happy Squillion Day!


  1. I think you should hit your mum up for loads of extra cuddles and treats, Ducky, to make it up to you for having to go to the v-e-t.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. My human had to take Binga in to the vet to get her claws trimmed today! She didn't mind that much, especially since the guy who trimmed her claws was the most recent pet sitter, for when my human and I were at Meet the Breeds.

  3. It's always great when those Vet visits are over!

  4. We're glad you didn't hold it against your Mom.

    We remember Squillion Day!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. We always enjoy seeing Virginger!

  6. Aww, Ducks...that top photo shows how much you love a good snuggle!

  7. omc that photo is PRECIOUS! I just want to snuggle you! I can't believe the squillions were that long ago! I remember it!

  8. dood....pleez ta tell virginger we hope her N de crews doin grate....willna bee long now til we see em again......we hope ! ;) ♥♥

  9. I am glad your vet visit went well.
    I renamed my Squillions after Eric and Flynn. They didn't seem to mind me changing their names as long as they could keep their secret names.

  10. Happy Throwback Thursday, Ducky. We are glad to see you having some snuggle time. Happy to see that the vet visit was good. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day with mum.
    World of Animals

  11. We’re glad you got a good report from the vet, Ducky.

  12. I remember Squillion day! That was quite a collection!

  13. That is such an adorable morning photo. Warms my heart.


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