
Monday, March 4, 2019

ManCat Monday

Such is one of those big-whiskered and well-furred tomcats, that you see quiet in a corner... sometimes giving himself to the pleasure of hunting, for the rest enjoying life peaceably. - Father Bongeant

Ah Monday, here we go again. Me and mum had a quiet weekend. She did some cooking, did a huge batch of onjun soup, so the house smells like onjuns. And garlic, there is garlic in the onjuns too. Mum makes sure I stay out of that cuz those are two things we kitties can't have.

So far mum hasn't seen any spring birds. She makes sure she has enuf foods out for them. She is also wondering since we are down a couple of trees if that might be an issue. Or, it could just be cold and snow. 
 Spitty, mum did try to get that hat on my head. It didn't last long, she sure couldn't get a picture of it. Miss Megan, I don't wear people clothes, I don't need no hat to wear.

Everyone have a good week and be safe. 


  1. I understand that you don't NEED clothes or hats, Ducky - you're absolutely gorgeous just as you are. But I did think that the purple yarn set off your furs wonderfully, and it would have been fun to see you wearing that mini hate. LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We have had it mild until the weekend but haven't seen any spring birds yet(swallows). All the other birds stay all year round.

  3. That purple would look good on you!

  4. Spitty's human sent you a Royal Purple Hat, Ducky? You are like our Chucky; he didn't need a hat either, and I didn't want my hand to get bitten!

    1. Oh my! No she did not! She can barely sew on a button!!! No, Spitty just said that it was good that Mom did not make Ducky *WEAR* that hat--Ducky's Mom made the hat ;-)

  5. That looks like a very nice hat, love the color too. Just like you, we say no to clothing to the dismay of the catmama.

    Emma and Buster

  6. dood....mum can considerz her self MOST FOR CHEW NET....noe burdz izza good thing.....noe make that a GRATE thing !! ☺☺♥♥

  7. I think it's the cold and snow, there are no Spring birds around here yet either.

  8. Ducky, don't wear a hat if you don't want to! Once you agree to it, the hat wearing never stops.
    —One Who Knows.

  9. It are probably da cold keeping em away.

  10. We're with you on the hats-or-clothes thing, Ducky. We don't even tolerate what William used to! Glad to hear you two had a nice weekend.

  11. Hi Ducky: I am glad your Mom did not try to force the issue (of course, if she had, the cute purple hat would have some big red splotches on it.... Well, on second thought, no, it wouldn't because you are a Very Good Boy and would never make your Human bleed!)


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