
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Throw Back Thursday

Finally we are getting melting! The snow is going away, slowly, but still leaving. We can start to look forward to warms and open windows.
 So the strip along the driveway is getting where we can actually see grass and below in the street we can see the curb again. On Tuesday there was still snow over the curb.
 Me sitting on mum while she tries to read, she just finished a big fat book and started to read two others, but didn't find the story or writing to her liking. They are all on the pile to take back to the library. Mum has been there a lot this week for various programs.
With the nice weather soon we will begin to have flowers and maybe some flying flowers too. Today's throwback was the answer picture of how many butterflies were in the picture.

From March 13, 2009

How Many?

Mum biggified this and went over it as carefully as possible. She says three. Biggify to read where mum says "here". Mum is looking for some other pictures that she might do something similar soon. Nice to see green plants, flowers, butterflies etc.

A big shout out to Uncle Stormy, happy purrthday to him. This is his last purrthday in this decade of numbers, next year is a zero purrthday for him.

Plus spring must be coming. Wednesday before mum left for work she came to say good bye to me and we saw all of these fevvers outside. This was only what you can see on the ground, lots more were up in the trees. Mum counted over 30 of these big black birds. Mum says they are summer birds, birdies that come up to live here in the summer. Most of these are grackels but a few red wing black birds too (both male and female). If the birdies know it is OK to come north, that is a good sign.
Mum says she will be sort of busy this weekend. Grampie will be here for lunch tomorrow after he gets taxed to death.
Plus play time!!! Oh good the sparkly toy will come out. Happy weekend one and all!


  1. Interesting that you seem to have much more snow this year than you did in 2009.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Come on Spring, we're waiting to greet you!

  3. Isn't that the beauty of libraries? You like the book, you read it. You don't like it, you just turn it back in! I look forward to having more butterflies in the garden this year.

  4. It's time to tell the snow to get on out of here. We love seeing you keeping your mom company while she is reading. Hopefully, spring will be here and we can start our garden around the office. Thanks for the sahre. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  5. I am glad your snow is melting at last.
    I can actually remember your mum asking how many butterflies in the photo!

  6. Spring must be close! Although...

  7. I'm glad your snow is starting to go away!

  8. We've been enjoying upper 70s and 80-ish here, and the pollen's starting to cover everything. Take care gorgeous.

  9. We're glad you're having less snow ! Purrs


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