
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. Spring has been slow coming but we think it is really here now. The crabby apple tree bloomed and is now making pink confetti in the yard, the lilacs are blooming and smell wonderful. Sorry we can't have smell-o-vision for you.

Mum got a few flowers to add to the corepopsis she got last week. Some really pale wave pet-unias and some white tuberous begonias.

They were planting at the community garden this week. Mum was planting the food plants, others were putting in more things in the pollinator garden part. Mum thinks they have about 80% of the food part planted. Still need to put in the broccolli and the tomaters. The got herbs planted too. Plus some of the planters are getting wire put around them so they don't feed the critters.
Bizzy, bizzy week for mum and all the other gardeners. Soon they can just enjoy what they have done and maybe harvest some stuff.

Love, Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday This and That

Me and mum survived the holly-day weekend. Matter of fact mum didn't go anywhere on the weekend. Stayed home with me, did chores, watched racy cars.
 Mum was out to eat the weekend before and had left overs. So a few days later she shared with me and it was fishies! Yummy stuff. She ate the bit of bread and tater fries. Me, just give me the fishies.
Tonight she grill shrimpies and put a few in her salad. I got some of those too. Yummy stuff.

It is still coolish and rainy here. Still no nice stretches of warms and sun.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

Honoring all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to our country, to keep us free.
 God Bless You All
ManCat Monday will return next week.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Caturday - Late Day Edition

HiYa, finally Ducky here. Mum has been doing all sorts of other stuff and not letting me get my post out. The rain this AM would not have affected it, you were too interested in your own stuff and NOT ME!

Oh well, we did get rain for a bit this AM, then lots of sunshine and warms. I have been taking advantage of same and napping in the warms.

Mum after she did her inside stuff, did outside stuff. She got the plants she bought planted, so that is good. Mum is even trying to grow her own eggy plant this year!
 Here is the sale she helped set up and then bought stuff to plant. Mum says it is better organized than her own group's garden sale!
 What she bought and some of the flowers planted. Mum saw them bring this plant in and said I want some of that! She needs a few more smaller plants for the front of the planter.
 Here is the eggy plant back on the patio. Mum hopes she gets something to eat from these guys.
 Plus a farewell do Da Beebs! Mum met his mum in France last year. Fly free you did your final Houbibi act forever. Comforting purrs to #1.

 Oh well, that is about it. My snoopervision is over. Mum is resting and drinking a cold drink. Have a wonderful and safe weekend.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. Spring is inching its way into the landscape. A few nice days, then cool again. Yesterday started out rather cool and damp. So much so mum stayed home from the community garden so her wonky hands wouldn't get all achy.

In the afternoon however it got nice, cleared up, warmed up and got breezy. Mum did come outside to sit with us. She put up the umbrella but it was too windy, so she took it down. She also discovered that she can remove the umbrella top and store it laying down. Then the wind can't get at it and blow everything over.
Since it has been so cool, spring is about two weeks behind here. So the lilacs are just starting to open, the crabby apple tree is blooming and the trumpet vine is showing signs of life.
Plus the bleeding heart is all bloomy, though the wind hit it a bit on Sunday.
Plus mum heard the tornado sirens go off and we weren't having any bad weather. Mum called the village people and they said they test it every Wednesday at 2 PM. It also gets tested on Caturday at noon, which is the only time she normally hears it. Guess the Wednesday one has been going on for a while, but only in the summer. Mum doesn't amember them announcing they would be doing this and she keeps up to date on the local stuff.

Guess that is about it. Have a happy day. Love, Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.

Monday, May 20, 2019

ManCat Monday

Cats, no less liquid than their shadows, offer no angles to the wind. They slip, diminished, neat, through loopholes less than themselves. - A.S.J. Tessimond

Well, the wind blew through here on Sunday afternoon and did a bit of a number on things. Not major stuff, but still. You can see the naybor's table and brolly blown over, the deck railing caught it.
Mum went out to try to quick tie down stuff but just as she got there it tipped over and the umbrella started to blow away! So she grabbed that quick and laid it down where it wasn't likely to be caught by the wind. Table and the 30 pound base she left until later.

Oh dear, a dent in the umbrella pole. Mum says that is OK, it still goes up and down. If it fails in a few years she will get a new one. See that black band, she was going to go wrap it around the umbrella so it would be less likely to get blown over. She didn't get there in time!
Even the heavy gas grill got blown over, and that is heavy! A friend of mum's who lives a bit west of us lost the top of an evergreen tree. We knew thunderboomer storms were coming but they hadn't said it was going to be such a big wind.

After it got all quieted down I went to hang out in the front window. Peaceful.
 Have a wonderful week everyone.

Saturday, May 18, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. It is starting out cool and cloudy today, we may get rain. So our few days of nice weather are gone.

Mum is trying to catch up on moving picture box stuff. She records things and then she has to have time to watch them. She was all caught up last week, but this week has been bizzy for her.

As always we had a few cats head off to The Bridge, one of which was unexpected and rather tragic. Poor Crockett died from an accident. His beans asked people to go orinch today for him. Heck I am always orinch for stuff. Plus Grumpy cat, Tardar Sauce, hope she is less grumpy at The Bridge. I am sure the gang welcomed her with open paws.
Plus I have to send out comforting purrs to my sweetie cat Dora. Her human Dad went to heaven this week. He had that blasted cancer stuff. Lots of purrs to Dora and her mum Kate. Mum's heart is broken and she has lots of leaky eyes.
 So I guess a cloudy day is good. It is sad outside and we are sad inside.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. We are getting some better weather, not as rainy and not as cool. Mum can come outside and not need a jacket!
 Mum hung out a new wind sock, the old one was falling apart. Trout Towne will like this one as it has fishies on it.
 The one maple tree has lots and lots of seeds to come down. That means lots of new trees trying to start growing. Plus one of our purrty two-lips.

Now mum biggified the next picture as much as she could. Do you see the one little tree trying to grow? It is on the front porch by the letter box and is growing in the leaf bud covers. Mum has been sweeping lots but obviously not enuf!

 The hostas in the front and doing good and mum needs to work on the weeds!

Then Wednesday mum went off to help at the community garden. They actually had a few spears of asparagus. For those who don't know it takes several years before you can harvest these little guys and then only a little bit each year. But they actually have spears, not just the fern this year.
 They got four new beds to replace the ones that the paint was failing. You can see the old ones piled up in the background. The new ones are plastic, so mum hopes they don't fade much in the sun.
 Then they started laying string to show where each square foot is as they are doing square foot gardening this year. Depending on the plant you can put one or more plant per square. Like one tomato plant or 16 for carrots, 9 for peas.
 The just as mum got home the village guys where showing up to collect our brush. The pushed it out on the street, then the big truck scooped it up and dumped it into the truck. Mum is happy the brush is gone, even though she has a few places she would like to still trim back. Oh well, mum will have to haul that off herself.
 As you can see it was a bright and sunny day. That made us all happy.

Love, Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.