
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Caturday - Late Day Edition

HiYa, finally Ducky here. Mum has been doing all sorts of other stuff and not letting me get my post out. The rain this AM would not have affected it, you were too interested in your own stuff and NOT ME!

Oh well, we did get rain for a bit this AM, then lots of sunshine and warms. I have been taking advantage of same and napping in the warms.

Mum after she did her inside stuff, did outside stuff. She got the plants she bought planted, so that is good. Mum is even trying to grow her own eggy plant this year!
 Here is the sale she helped set up and then bought stuff to plant. Mum says it is better organized than her own group's garden sale!
 What she bought and some of the flowers planted. Mum saw them bring this plant in and said I want some of that! She needs a few more smaller plants for the front of the planter.
 Here is the eggy plant back on the patio. Mum hopes she gets something to eat from these guys.
 Plus a farewell do Da Beebs! Mum met his mum in France last year. Fly free you did your final Houbibi act forever. Comforting purrs to #1.

 Oh well, that is about it. My snoopervision is over. Mum is resting and drinking a cold drink. Have a wonderful and safe weekend.


  1. Looks like a great place to buy some plants for the garden. Your mums flowers are beautiful that she planted in the garden. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  2. WOW, that’s a nice bunch of plants. We were sure sad to hear about Da Beebs too, sad, sad, sad.

  3. Sounds like you need to put your paw down even more firmly, Ducky, and remind your mum of her priorities. Her plants do look promising, however.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. That second photograph caught dad's attention because he graduated a hundred thousand years ago from a high school who's mascot was a falcon.

  5. That's a lot of lovely plants ! We're sad about our friend Bibi too. Purrs

  6. Poor Angel Bibi-chan; he was too young.


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