
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. We also survived the hots, back to nice weather, not so humid and just lovely to be outside.

A couple of things to let you know. The cicada's we hear are the ones that come every year. They are not the type that come only every 17 years like a plaque of locusts.We are on the very north edge of their area, at least so far. Maybe as global warming comes we will get more. They aren't due back, if they show up for another 5 years.

Mum thinks she can pick some of the eggyplant to eat in a few days. She will take pictures when she does and we will show you them, cooked and uncooked.
 A few more of our lovely day lilies. Mum even did a few wide shots so you can see how they are looking together.
This week again was a quiet one at the community garden. Making sure everything got well watered, mum even went over on the weekend on Sunday to make sure they looked ok. We got enough rain last Caturday so they were good and the storms hadn't done any damage. Mum didn't take pics but said she saw three baby pumpkins starting to grown, they are for making pie, not for jack-o-lanterns.

Then mum came home and pruned off stuff on the maple and ash trees. The maple  had all sorts of sucker growth on the lower areas, the ash had low branches that mum had to duck under to use the grass monster.

That is about it for now from the garden. See you next week. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Lovely flowers. Looking forward to seeing pics of the eggy-plants, and also of the pumpkins in the community garden.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Back in the 70's when those ugly locusts came to Chicago, the suburb my mum lived in had LOTS of trees and she walked to work. It was so bad that year and she was so freaked out, that she would walk down the middle of the side streets with her ears covered. Her mean ex-husband would not drive her to work either. She has five more years to prepare for their arrival. MOL!

  3. Many of my newer plants have shriveled up in the last few weeks; no amount of water was going to bring them back! Guess we just keep plugging along. Your flowers are so pretty!

  4. hay ewe flowerz look grate....R'z haz fried N fell N whatz left...ewe bass terd harez pickin a way at..... hope de week a head iz grate; N we wood like ta place R pie order two day ! ☺☺♥♥

  5. Those are such pretty flowers and hooray for the eggplant, are there chickens too?

  6. The flowers are looking so beautiful. Can't wait to see how your eggplant meals come out. We love fried eggplant when my mom used to make it. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  7. We're glad to see your pretty flowers didn't get all shrivel-y in the heat!

  8. Your flowers are beautiful ! Your mom is doing a great job watering the garden, it's so important when it's hot. Purrs


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