
Saturday, August 3, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Woohoo, it is Caturday and mum is finally letting me at the puter. Going to be a nice day again. Maybe finally the really hots and humids have gone away.

 Mum bought some of these green things at the store, along with an onjun to she could make pickles in the big cold box. They have to sit for a couple of days to get good, then she can eat them. She didn't make a huge batch like she has. So they won't last as long. Plus she added in a little bit of garlic.
 I won a book from Max the Pyschokitty and it arrived this week. The book isn't about him, he just gave it away.
 So mum sat down and readed me the book. Seems Max is a cat who likes to attack EVERYTHING! I just attack selected things and then just when I want to.
Mum is going to pass the book along to her little grandniece who should be about right for a book like this. Mum? did you put this on your list of books you read? You know they don't all have to be 500 plus pages to count. Yeah, mum reads big fat books.

Oh well, everyone have a wonderful weekend.


  1. That's a nice book and the cucumbers look pretty good too!

  2. Hey Ducky! That looks like a fun book! I don't really attack anything much, except when we are play fighting with Ollie. Queen Tama growls at me sometimes, but she never attacks either.

    Genji (with Tama)

  3. Mmmmm, pickles! (That was our mom, not us.) We've seen YouTube videos where cats go nuts at the sight of a cucumber. Did that happen to you?

    Concats on the win! What a fun book, and how nice that you both got to read it.

  4. Happy Caturday, Ducky. Congratulations of the book that you won. Looks like a fun little book. Thanks for the share. Hope you and mom are having a great weekend so far.
    World of Animals

  5. What a fun book your mum won! Looks like you really enjoyed it too.

  6. It was very good of your mum to read that book to you Ducky. Can't say that I've ever seen a blue cat in real life, though!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Other than popcorn and watermelon, PICKLES are my favorite food! YUM!

  8. Summer Refrigerator Pickles! TBT loves them, but can never get them right. But the Summer Pickled Onion slices are great of the sandwiches. Not that WE like them, but HE does. We get bits of meat and cheese while he makes the sandwich...

  9. Concatulations on winning that book ! Those concombers look great ! Purrs


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