
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday and to the month of August. Wow, the summer months are flying by. The hots and humids are gone. People can actually enjoy being outside and the windows are open on the house.

Mum gave the grape vines a huge cut. This is all of the stuff she cut off. Then you can see how much she trimmed off. You can see underneath now.

Guess what? We have grapes this year! The last couple of years, no grapes!
Mum is also happy as she sees a large number of bees this year and not just the bumbly bees. She is seeing honey bees! That is good. She can get all close up to them to take pics and they just keep getting their foods from the flowers. Last week she even saw one where you could clearly see the pollen stuffed into the pockets on the back legs.

Plus the weekly trip to the community garden. Mum likes it this time of year, not much to do other than water stuff good, she usually waters the veggies and harvest stuff.
Peas, beans and a purple pepper, then a cucumber and a green pepper.
Plus she took some of her eggy plants over to donate too. Growing so well that she is getting more than she can eat herself. Another meal with eggy plant will come today.

Here are some baby squash starting to grow. lots of blossoms so they hope they get lots more.
Plus the broccoli is starting for the heads that you can eat. They won't be ready to harvest for a bit.
Plus we had something try to eat the eggy plants while they were still on the plant. Mum picked those off and tossed them into the rest of the plants so the critters can eat them.
That is all for this week, hope you enjoyed the show. See you next week. Love, Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Those eggy-plants look fabulous - no wonder some critter was tempted to try them.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We also have lots of da bees here!

  3. Everything is growing well, and it looks like your mum will have a good crop of grapes too.
    We get lots of honeybees here. There are three different beekeepers on the outskirts of the village in a large triangle.

  4. The Hubby uses grape leaves in his jars of pickles; they are supposed to do something to make the pickles extra good! Marrying a man who makes pickles, was one of my better choices in life....mmmm, pickles!

  5. You and your Mom sure have been busy gardeners!!!

  6. You and your mom did a great job gardening ! Yay for seeing honey bees ! Purrs

  7. The garden is looking wonderful. Those eggplants look very delicious. We are happy to see the honey bees and grapes for you this year. Looks like a good summer so far with garden. Thanks for sharing the lovely photo. Have a great one.
    World of Animals

  8. hay ewe galz...what a grate post thiz week !!! we iz buzzed happee ta see everee thingz growin sew well; afturr all de rainz N heet.....thiz bee grate !!! way awesum on de bee site inn two !!!

    sa~~~ wheat ☺☺♥♥

  9. We can't believe how fast those eggplants grew! And how nice you have grapes this year! You girls sure do good work alongside your mum.


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