
Saturday, September 7, 2019

Caturday - Longevity

HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! Happy weekend! Mum did some fancy math stuff and figured that as of today I have lived longer than Derby did. He was alive 4086 days. Today I am up to 4088. I have been living with mum for 3493 days! Pretty soon I will have lived longer with mum than Derby did too!

Mum is off for her final racy weekend of the year, but not sure why she made all this soup to take along! Sheesh, she made three double batches. Is she expecting to feed the whole gang? Well, sort of, there is a contest for the best soup and she wants to win! She was going to do this last year, but, sort of hard to do that when you are hanging out in a different country!
 The big container will go with her and the little one will stay home so she has some to eat here.
 You know she had to sample it when she made it, gotta make sure it was as tasty as it normally is.
So I will be having a quiet weekend. Snoozing and all. Oh, yeah, feetsball started last night and it was a good result for us. Formal feetsball reports will start on Monday!

Mum got this pic of me in her litterbox room. I had just taken a nice drink from my bowl. Do you see the drop of water on my chin?
Happy weekend!


  1. My human wants to know what type of soup this is, and the recipe!

  2. WOW, that racing soup looks good! Those math skills are sure important!

  3. LOVE that pic of you and best of luck to Mom in the soup contest! Hoping she wins!

  4. That is a lovely photo with the droplet of water on your chin.
    That soup looks tasty and I hope your mum wins. We have had a big harvest of tomatoes so I have been making tomato soup today. Of course we sampled it too before I put it in batches in the freezer.

  5. Terrific pic of you today Ducky, but I've got to say that you look a bit like your orinj has faded!

    Sydney, Australia


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