
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. It hasn't really turned to fall here yet. The days are shorter, but still a bit warm and humid at times. The garden is slowing down, a few flowers in bloom and mum bought some mums to add some color.
 Community garden is slowing down too. They still got foods out of the garden, the bean plant still is giving out a good quantity of beans and still has flowers on it.
 Carrots, onions and beets. Still have some carrots in the ground, along with the sweet potatoes to dig out. Then they harvested the little pie pumpkins, the beans and one cucumber they found hiding.
 A tote full of plants they pulled out and deaded leaves as well. It will be a few more weeks before they are completely done. Plus they may go back really late in October or early November to finish off the mulch pile!
 Plus it is talk like a pirate day so ARRRGGGH Matey's. Ye be walking a might short plank if ye don't have a piratey day.
 That is it for now. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!
    Summer is still here too; hot & humid!

  2. hay ewe galz....did sum one say PIE !!!! :) ♥♥☺☺ de flowerz bee awesum....we bee thinkin coneflower ??? number 2 ???!!

    happee week a head ☺☺♥♥

  3. The garden is looking nice and tidy and gave a good crop of vegetables.
    Happy Pirate Day!

  4. Ahoy maties! Loverly mums ye have there on this Pirate Day!

    Purrrrrrrrs, Pirate Spike William

  5. Gardening is a lot of work. The flowers are so pretty ! Purrs


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