
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. Quiet time in the garden, mum mainly has to keep the grass down to a reasonable level.

Mum was out and about the other day and when she came home the naybors had finally trimmed off the back shrubs. They are their plants, so mum tries not to mess with them unless they cause her problems. So we can easily see the trail and the back naybors yard too.
Mum thinks she wants to cut a bit more back on our side, but will try to do it when they aren't around.
Yes, fall is here and the leaves are falling. These are coming off of our maple and they aren't really turning colors first. More like they got all dried up and just fell off the tree. Some trees near us are turning colors.

 The eggy-plants are still growing and mum didn't think she get anymore to eat, but she did find one small one growing! Give it another week and she may have to eat it.
Mum took the week off from the community garden, so no report from there. She will be back there next week.

That is all from the garden. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Our leaves are just beginning to turn, and we haven't really had much cold weather yet. But the sun is lower in the sky, and the overnight temps are very sleepable!

  2. hay ewe galz....gettin close sorta kinda ta hibernationz time huh... R leevez iz funkee all sew....on de tree one secondz N de next ....we got stuffs just now growin that shulda in de summer flowerz lasted like 2.3 dayz....????

    any way, heerz two a grate week a head ☺☺♥♥

  3. I think our leaves are just going to dry up from all of the heat and no rain, but your yard sure looks nice.

  4. We have had so many gales lately that the leaves are being blown off the trees while they are still green.

  5. Your back yard looks great, We think that little eggplant will be special!

  6. Your garden is so nice. Cool that your Mum found another eggy plant.

  7. Everything is looking very good so far. We are starting to get some leaves falling a lot with the winds we have today. Thanks for sharing the wonderful update. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals


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