
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. We will give you a break from mum's travels for the day to bring you up to date on the garden. First a PSA.

Tomorrow, September 6, is National Food Bank Day. One place mum read that over 47 million Americans use food banks for all or some of their meals. So take time to support a food pantry in your area. You can donate non-perhisable foods, personal care items and baby stuff(food, diapers, wipes etc.) If you have a garden that is growing more than you can eat, see if your local food pantry will take fresh produce. I betcha they will.

Mum does her bit for our local food pantry. She donates foods, she helps out at the pantry and of course with the community garden. Those foods go to the food pantry.

First of all mum got rid of all of the stuff she had piled up. Hauled it all off to the compost place. Took her four loads in the back of the metal monster. Today she started a new pile with some branches that fell out of the trees. 
Community garden is winding down. Probably next week they will harvest what they can. It is getting cooler, so things like the tomato's won't ripen when it is cool. Yesterday was a big day, the dumped out the potato pot! The tops are dried off, so time to harvest.
The dirt on the cardboard and ready to dig through it all very slowly to find all those taters.
Here they are, ,all sorts of sizes here. Some you could swallow in one bite. The official lady got the weighed and they had three pounds of taters.
The little pumpkin getting a bit more orinch. Mum dug out one carrot and brought it home. Said it was really tasty! She wanted to taste something she had planted here.

That is all for this week. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. All those sizes of taters are interesting!

  2. You know, we find so many wonderful uses for cardboard! I'm glad that I have a really good supply from the office, which travels home, then The Hubby has to figure out where to put it, but we always, ALWAYS use it!

  3. Claire says that tiny taters are the best and the funniest to eat ! Purrs

  4. great update! Love those teeny tiny taters!

  5. hay ewe galz....3 poundz oh taterz will make like 84 poundz oh friez !! ☺☺♥3

  6. Those little taters are good in a salad. It is nice to taste what you have grown yourself.


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