
Sunday, September 15, 2019

ManCat Monday - September 15 and 16

Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet. - Colette

Mum forgot to put the post to load last night, so we will combine a couple of trip day reports with ManCat Monday. 

Mum's stint of cat sitting is done. She didn't smuggle either cat home with her but she wanted to, she told me that. Phew. I like being an only cat! Just as mum was leaving their house the naybors returned, so she knows they are there to finish out the last few days of care.
 Feetsball Report

The Pack -  They beat the ViQueens, so are unbeaten! Woohoo, started the season unbeaten against division rivals. They started out super good and managed to hang on for the win thanks to the defense. Plus they honored the late, grate quarterback Bart Starr. Best field general in the NFL. EVER!

September 15

Day to disembark the ship, it has been a wonderful place to stay for the past ten days. Being a bit pampered with bed being made, chocolates on the pillow and wonderful meals.

 Suitcases in all directions. Thankfully they hauled out the big bags, we only had to worry about our carry-on stuff. All the bags were color coded with tags for those of us going on to the post trip extension, versus those going to Paris and then home.

 The crew, minus the housekeeping staff on top to wave goodbye. The 30 people on board who served us were fabulous people. No rest for these people, the new group of passengers would be boarding later in the day. So all the cabins had to be cleaned and readied.
Officially the trip was not yet over, we had one more stop in Caen at the Memorial. So an hour long trip and then into the museum.
 The Caen Memorial museum had four major areas of exhibition. The time between the two World Wars, D-Day, the period since WW II and the whole place is built over a German bunker that is open for exhibit. The building lobby area is bright and open which is a welcome change over the darker exhibition areas. Interesting to was that the languages used in the museum were French, English and German. Seems many of today's Germans are going back to learn more about what happened at that time.
 Sections of the Berlin Wall that came down in 1989, this was part of the cold war era exhibit which included a short bit even on Vietnam. A gun with the barrel knotted off to hopefully signify that violence is not the answer.
 Flags of the various countries that were involved in World War II, along with the French and European Union flags.
After a quick lunch on our own at the museum it was time to get back in the bus. There were 6 buses of the tour company in the parking area. Three with the new passengers, and our three who were leaving. Two headed to Paris, mine was headed to Brittany and St. Malo. 
 My bed for the next few nights, actually two twin beds shoved together, not an actual king sized mattress!
 My room had a bidet, but the toilet was not in the main bathroom, it was in its own little room just off of where you entered the room. Otherwise the bathroom was updated and modern.
 We got a short walk in to let us know where things were. We were just off the beach by two blocks and there was a long esplanade to walk from the walled city down to our hotel area. It was about a mile between the two.
 Also in the area, little shops including a patisserie and a small food market. For me, after all of the rich meals of the past days I opted for peaches and some sliced ham for dinner. 

Early night and could sleep with open windows for the first time in 10 days.

September 16

 Sunrise outside my window and a picture of the hotel. Over 100 years old and in a way you could tell that. Floorboards were a bit soft in the hallway. Only 50 rooms in the place.
 Our destination of the day was the walled city, Inter-Muros. We would have a guided walk around the area while giving us the history of the area and information of the corsairs.
 The entrance we went in and because of the climate, palm trees grow here. A harsh winter every 10 years or so, maybe an inch of snow which melts within a day.
 We were taken inside an original home that was not damaged during the war. Furnishing are original. Our guide lives in the area, but is from Wales.
 Items that the corsairs traded for when they sailed taking items to Chile and coming back with spices. In some cases they crossed the Pacific trading with Asia and coming back around South Africa.
 Small, well, tiny staircase. They no longer let people walk up here after someone got stuck!
 Lovely paintings for sale, not that I could afford any of them.
 Strong box that would be on the ships to hold the gold and other important papers.
 Medallion showing the crest of St Malo, which also at one time marked a path you could follow with an audio tour which they don't do anymore. A manhole cover also showing a crest.
 A small fort just off the city and showing the ramparts that go around the entire walled city.
So rather than take the bus or a taxi back to the hotel, I just wandered up the esplanade by the sea. Lots of benches to take a break and people watch and watch the sea. But before I got far I ran across a car rallye! For a car person like me it was fun to see all of this as they drove into the walled city.
 After a nice long walk and a bit of a rest I had a lovely dinner consisting of two fruit tarts, they even wrapped them so nicely, almost like a present.
Then out to watch the sunset, at this time of the year and location the sun was setting after 8 PM. It was nice to be outside at that time and have it be light out. It gets dark at home shortly after 7 PM.


  1. The hotel looks lovely. I prefer old places to stay rather than modern corporate looking hotels. More character!
    The sunset is beautiful. It was nice to unexpectedly see that rally.

  2. That sunset is totally amazing and I really do like that fort!

  3. Guess people were smaller than modern folk; that spiral staircase is a hoot! I've always wanted one; I've tried to convince The Hubby that I need one in the backyard, as an emergency exit from the 2nd floor. Am still looking for a used one, since new metal spirals are expensive!

  4. the fireplace is amazing as are the photos in this post !! the car rally looks like it was fun; bet the cars have a price tag on them to reach the stars !! ☺☺♥♥


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