
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Garden Thursday - Hollow-Weenie Edition

Trick or Treat! We only want treats, so you better not  play tricks on us!

Mum had the last official community garden work yesterday. They dug up some dahlia bulbs and tried to spread some mulch around. The only pic mum took was of the mulch pile just before she headed home. So they will still have mulch to work on next spring.
Yes, we had some of that white stuff from the sky the other day and will be getting more today. Mum says that will make trick or treat tonight interesting. How many kids will actually come out in the snow and cold.
This all melted but somewhere between 2-5 inches is expected today. Ick, too early even if we know it will melt. 
We have one flowering plant still going, our wavy pet-unia. One of these days it will freeze and stop blooming, but until it does, mum is just leaving it be.
 The tree across the street is now turning yellow and dropping lots of leaves on the ground and roof, they will take care of them. The guy that lives there is good about keeping up with the lawn and leaves.
Mum discovered the other day that there is a broken branch in the ash tree in front. Too high for her to get at even with her long pole saw. So she may have to get the tree guy to come and help out on this one.

Have a safe Hollow-Weenie. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. I know that you're not all that keen on snow, but it's a novelty for me, and I think it looks lovely.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Happy Halloween!
    All of our fall colors were at peak, when the rain hit...and it's still raining! Poor kidlets; it's going to be a cold and soggy evening.

  3. Oh my the snow, brrrrr humbug, it's too early. Happy Halloween from all of us Ducky!

  4. We don't get kids around here, not that we mind. At least this year Mom didn't buy 45 pounds of candy "just in case." (wink, wink)


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