
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. The days are getting much shorter. The sun rises after 7 AM and sets before 6 PM. In less than two weeks the hour in the clock will come back.
Mum picked the last of the eggyplants and she grilled them out side with a burger and then had a nice little dinner.

Some pics from yesterday morning. Mum showing the trees and how many leaves that are still on the trees. Mum looked last year and more leaves were off the tree by now. Plus you can see all the leaves on the ground.

Leaves just piled up on the drive and the front porch. Mum got out the blower and cleared them off.
So mum had some stuff to do right after lunch but when she got home she got out the grass eater. Leveled off the grass and chewed up the leaves.

The tree across the street, still has most of its leaves as of now.

So that is the end of today's report! Love, Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Wow - that tree across the street still has a lot of work to do to get ready for winter!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Our leaves are finally turning but our ash tree is still as green as ever. It's always the last to drop its leaves.

    Look at those little eggplants! While we wouldn't eat them, our mom says she bets they were tasty (the whole dinner, in fact)!

  3. PICKLES?!? Did I see pickles on her plate?
    Pickles are food of The GODS, imho...

  4. Your neck of the woods looks awfully pretty!

  5. Our trees still have a lot of leaves too...but the colors are getting spectacular!


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