
Monday, October 7, 2019

ManCat Monday

Does ownership of the family cat, and all its by-products, immediately transfer to the female head of the household whenever the word 'hairball' is uttered? - Barbara L. Diamond

MOL, well around here mum has to do everything. So she is the head of the house period. So she has to make sure all things are taken care of. Last week she had the heaty monster checked out and because it was running I headed for my fav winter spot, the hammick. I loves it when the warm air flows under me and I can put my paws out to get them warm. 

 Nice napping here.

Sportz Report

The Pack - they beat the CowGirls in Big D! They looked pretty good, the D caught some of their passes. ARodg looked pretty good too. Although mum was thinking the guys and one gal in the black and white stripes were trying to take our game away.

Bucky Badger - won again and is unbeaten. WooHoo, go Bucky!

BaseyBall - mum is watching but doesn't really have a fav team now that our team is out. She watches and works on her crow-shay. She has lots of hats done and will turn them over for give away in a few weeks. 

We also had a nice sunny Sunday. Mum filled up the feeders for the fevvers yesterday and took the last hummer feeder down. We are supposed to have a pretty nice week with sunny days and sort of warms.

Everyone have a good week.


  1. We live in the Dodgers' city, so my human is sort of aware of what's going on... but not really! She is seriously not into sports. It's important to her if they are playing at home because that could mess up traffic for her since the stadium is in the middle of her route to getting anywhere else in the city. That's about it.

  2. Looks like you have the very best spot, Ducky.

  3. Your warm and cozy spot looks purrfect Ducky!

  4. dood that furst fotoz iz beyond awesum !!!

    sa~~~ wheat :) ♥♥

  5. Ducky, The Hubby 'says' that I'm in charge, but he doesn't do anything that I ask him, guess he's fibbing. However, this past weekend, we cleaned, sanitized, and refilled all of the litterboxes, and The Hubby boxed up the 'used' stuff for, I guess he can follow orders ;-)

  6. Our hot air blowing thingy hasn’t been turned on yet...but the fire place did!

  7. We don't have our heat on yet, but we heard one night soon it's supposed to get close to freezing. That's pretty unusual for us this early but we're not worried. It gets quite toasty inside with the sun.

  8. It looks like a comfy spot ! Purrs

  9. Looks like hammick season has been declared officially open!

    Sydney, Australia

  10. My mum can tell that they have turned the heat on in our building as she's been seeing me laying on the spots on the floor where there are the heat pipes running under the flooring.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.