
Saturday, November 30, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! Plus we made it to the end of the month of November. Another month bites the dust and this one was memorable, if not for all the best reasons!

Me and mum had a nice Thanksgiving. She made her duck by heating it in the oven. The taters, stuffing and gravy got warmed up in the microwave. It was all tasty and yep, I got my taste of duck. It was tasty, not dry. Iffin you didn't know duck is all dark meat, so juicy. Mum didn't over cook it.

Mum had some cheesecake and razzberries for dessert. Plus a glass of wine. She can have wine since she isn't taking pain pills.

Mum did go out a little on Thursday, more cuz the recycling bin had to go out for pickup, so she took a very short drive. Friday she did a quick run to the library for books.

Miss Lynn will be over soon to help mum with some chores like the laundry. I am sure mum has a list of what other stuff she needs to help with.

Weather is going to be icky all weekend, up north is getting lots fo snow again. We aren't supposed to get much.

Have a good weekend gang. If you are driving home from holly-day visiting be safe.


  1. That sure does look yummy Ducky and I hope the snow isn't too bad!

  2. That duck dinner sure looked good! Glad you got a taste too.

  3. That looks like a yummy Thanksgiving meal!

  4. I am glad you and your mum had a nice Thanksgiving. The duck looks tasty.

  5. Duck for Ducky? Of course!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. I remember all of the times that I've had duck, even though I'm vegan now. I had a duck dinner the evening of my high school prom, again when at my inlaws holiday dinner many years ago, and lastly when visiting my sister in Ohio. Dark meat was my favorite!


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