
Saturday, December 7, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. It is starting out as a cloudy day, but the weather guessers say we should see the sun later. I hope so. Yesterday was a nice sunny day. Me and mum felt so much better seeing the sun.

Mum is staying home this weekend. No classes to go to, be good and sit with her footy up. Yesterday she was bizzy. First she had her dental, then off to the sub shop for a sub. She hadn't had one in ages. She came home to eat it. Then she took the metal monster out to get it clean and fill up the tank. She realized she didn't buy any gas in November. She hardly went anywhere! I wonder why?! MOL!

 Mum littering, the backing paper from the stamp roll. No fancy holly-day stamps this year. Not standing in line at the post office.
 The pile, all addressed, return address sticker, stamps on and the Christmouse seals stuck on the back. Now to write the notes and such.
 Yeah mum, take off the boot, put up your feet and chill. Plus you could do some crow-shay if you wants. Yeah, it will be worked on this weekend. Bucky Badger is playing BuckEye tonight in feetsball. The Pack plays tomorrow.

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. It's annoying when Blooger is being mean, but I will just get a picture in my mind of you helping your mum instead.

  2. We all know you are so very helpful Ducky and I'm glad the Mom will rest her foot this weekend!

  3. You are really helping your mum out so much, Ducky! What would she do without you.

  4. It's been busy at our end, with Fernant around, but we are planning o having a quiet day tomorrow! And #1 says she needs to get her Christmas cards done!

    Tama and Genji

  5. Excellent snoopervision of the Christmas card preparation there Ducky. Well done.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. You continue to do good nursing work, Ducky!

  7. You're such a good helper for your mom, Ducky ! Purrs

  8. Ducky, your Mom's foot is looking so much better ! Good work keeping her from overdoing things ~


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