
Saturday, December 14, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! It is starting out slow here at Casa de Ducky. Cloudy out, a bit dark. Mum has been slow getting going but is now up, washed, brushed, peed and poop, and dressed! Guess she is good to go!

Mum finished the red and orinch blankie last night. She has been watching more sports this week so more time to work on it. So here it is, all good to go, so mum took the pic and put it in the closet.
 Here is the yarn that is left, mum liked the pattern of the colors in the bundle of yarn. Purrty.
 Yeah, me resting on my ham-mick and staying warm. This is one of my favorite spots in the house in the winter. Gotta soak up the warms. Mum footy and ankle, a little puffy at the end of the day but not bad. She scared herself overnight, she must have been dreaming and jerked her leg. Well with the extra weight of the boot it made the footy hurt for a bit. It sure woke her up. So I sat on her to make her feel better and she went back to sleep.
 No rest of the crow-shay part. She pulled out the next color and started working on the next blankie. So what sport is she watching now? Bucket ball! She normally doesn't watch much but the local team is doing super well and winning lots of games in a row. If it works out and they don't lose for the next week they will set a new team record.
So I guess I better bug mum to make sure she gets some brekkie in her. Drink milk, eat yogurt, maybe some ham! Yeah and she can share that ham with me!

Happy weekend all.


  1. Ducky, you are doing a fantastic job of assisting your mum!

  2. The blankie looks lovely. Keep up the good work of looking after your mum.

  3. Oh my, that blankie sure is pretty and I'm glad the Mom's foot is doing good. I spend a lot of time on my Hammick too Ducky.

  4. It looks like your human has been very productive, Ducky! Is the lack of mobility starting to make her stir crazy? It would my human!

  5. Not to ignore the colors, the foot or the ham-mick, but your description of your mom's routine fits dad to a tee. Made us laugh!

  6. Oh yeah, that pee, poop, and dressing the Beins do. We are so hungry. Sometimes we get dad to give us food first. But sometimes he can't wait and we eat later...

  7. Your Mum's foot is sure looking a lot better ! Purrs.

  8. Your mum is a crocheting wizard, Ducky!


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