
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Throw Back Thursday

Guess what? Another weekend, more snow! Mum was out and about this week. Going to the Y place and taking the six blankies she had done to the food pantry for them to give to people who might need a warm blankie. Plus more laps at Y.

Trout Towne won't like this Throw Back, it has nothing to do with cats, just fevvers. Seems mum took a pic and asked people to find the fevvers. This was the answer. Heck, we have to have at least one cat pic! ME!

Find the Fevvers - The Results

Thursday, January 21, 2010

OK here is the picture with mum's count, and she says there are ten (10) fevvers sitting on the tree. Getting some sun and getting warmed up. They are either sparrows or house finches.

Thanks for playing along!

It has been warmer this past week so a bit of melty stuff going on. But the weather guesser says we will get rain on the weekend, but not as bad as my buds out of the left coast.

Mum says she is happy it is almost the weekend and it was a short week for her too. Mum says the weekend will be filled with the usual stuff, cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, knitting and feetsball!

Happy Weekend.

Mum is putting in the original pic of the fevvers. She can't find the original one of the answers.


  1. I'm glad I don't live somewhere with all that snow! My human doesn't mind it that much (but then, she has never lived in it for a whole winter)... but I know already that I hate it.

  2. I remember when your mum did that post!
    Keep warm, Ducky and tell your mum to be careful in the snow.

  3. Absolutely there's gotta be at least one pic of you Ducky. Them's the rules!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We never like snow! Oh, we do like burds to watch though!

  5. Betcha six people were beyond grateful to have those blankets, Ducky.
    In the wintertime, sometimes all there is to look at are birds and squirrels, 'cause everything else is hibernating.

  6. Ducky, you look so majestic and royal in that photo! Those fevvers really were hidden well!

  7. purple finch I think and if I don't hurry and hit post comment before some cats see this I'll never hear the end of it ;) ♥♥

  8. dood....984 paws up to yur mum for donate inn her blankitz and....

    hold de fone, onionz N horze radizh......what da be jezuz ~~~~~~


  9. That was nice of your mum to donate those blankets. We’re sure they will be needed. You look good, Ducky!

  10. More snow?? You better make sure you have enough food, Ducky!

  11. We hope the snow isn't to bad for you. Your mum is so sweet for donating those blankets. We love the throwback photo hat you share. Have a fantastic upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  12. We have only had a dusting of snow so far this Winter, and we are glad of it. It have been bitterly cold a few days, but mostly warmish (not that we like rain either). But so far, it has a been a decent Winter about snow.


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