
Saturday, February 29, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! Happy Leap Day. Looking forward to a sunny day and some warmish temps. Maybe enuf to get mum to open a window.

Mum thought I looked cute napping yesterday. I was all curled up and the tip of my tail was resting up by my face.
The guys came by yesterday afternoon to get the broken branch out of the tree. They had two huge trucks and mum laffed that it was over kill, but one guy to do the work and a spare in case something went wrong.
 So here is the broken branch, this happened in a storm last fall. Mum wanted it gone afore the leaves come back.
 Climbing up and making to where he could saw it off. He had a holster for his saw strapped to his boot!
 One of the two big trucks, this one with the chipper that came by to do the work. Probably took them less than 15 minutes.
 What it looks like now that the broken part is gone.
Plus mum went out to party last night! Yep, she put on  her sort of fancy duds and went to a birthday bash. Don't worry she was super safe, she even wore her ankle brace in case it was slippery. It wasn't, so once she got inside she took it off. She chatted with furiends, had an adult beverage and was home in time for her usual bedtime! She says the senior citizen types don't stay long. She had to come home on time as she is off to a Master Gardener talk today.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Last day, Leap Day, for February!


  1. I'm glad they are fixing up your tree! Have a fun Saturday Ducky!

  2. It is good that the branch is gone. At least now it can't fall if you get storms.

  3. It sounds like you are having a productive weekend over there!

  4. That broken branch is history now!

  5. Oh Ducky, that is the most adorably cute curly napping photo ever!

  6. Ducky, you look adorbs in your hammock!

  7. Ducky, we're glad to hear your mum is getting back to things! You do look cute in your hammock.


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