
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thankful Garden Thursday

Hi All. Yes we girls decided to make an appearance for this year. With all that is going on we were debating just to stay isolated so we don't get this ick that is going around. Mum assures us that we can't get this stuff.

So what is going on in the garden? They hiya-cynthis are up and blooming. These are the purple ones
 The pee-o-nees are starting to push up as well. These are the ones in the front of the house.
Another sign of spring, the four-cyth-ia is also blooming. Last year it barely bloomed, this year is better but not fully blooming all over. 
The back patio after mum got the table out but she hasn't gotten the umbrella out yet. Heck it is too cold to sit out for long unless the sun is shining brightly. Mum still has the bird bath plugged in as it as gotten below freezing. Don't want the water to freeze up.
Lastly in the back the bleeding heart is going good for this spring too.
Hoping that it gets warmer, heck we are almost into May in just over a week.

Thankful we are all well here. You all stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. A beautiful spring garden isn't too far away!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Thank you for the lovely photos! We hope the weather continues to warm up for you.

    Tama and Genji

  3. Well, hopefully before long it'll be all nice and warm for y'all. Sure looks like things are blooming all 'round!

  4. Our peonies are coming up like gangbusters too!
    It's delightful to see the yard coming to life.

  5. Everything is growing nicely. I hope the weather soon warms up for you. We have had about 2 weeks of good weather and although it was sunny and cold for the first week, it is nice and warm now, about mid 60s.

  6. It's so nice when the gardens start looking like gardens again!

  7. Happy Thankful Garden Thursday!! Everything is starting to bloom so lovely. We had a couple of days of windy and cold weather. Hopefully, we all will have warmer weather soon. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a grat one.
    World of Animals

  8. Your garden looks beautiful ! Purrs

  9. Your hyacinths look wonderful. The voles eat ours. We should try those peonies. But we have lots of daffodils, and the voles never eat those.


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