
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Yep, still here, still healthy. Just me and mum, hanging out doing the usual stuff. Thankful that we are OK and as far as we know our furiends ares all doing OK.

Mum heard from a furiend who has a son in the Navy and on that ship that got infected. Thankfully the guy is currently on shore duty in Sandy Eggo. Phew.

Miss Megan, those chips, aka fries, mum didn't make them. This was one of the meals she got from a local restaurant. Gotta keep them in bizness!
 Nap time, alert time. It has been cold out so mum hasn't been outside much. She would like to get out and finish up the spring stuff outside. The weather guessers are saying it might be nice again by the weekend.
 Mum has been doing some cooking. She went out for the groceries yesterday and got a bunch of stuffs, then starting cooking. She did sphaghetti sauce and then she did this dish too. Both will give her a bunch of meals to eat. Plus she will probably make some soup soon.

Stay home, stay healthy. We loves you.


  1. Oh - thanks for the info about the chips, Ducky. I was so impressed that your mum could make such great looking chips. But I endorse her plan to keep local restaurants in business: I'm just about to head out to pick up a Chinese take-away!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Love you too, Ducky! We had SNOW yesterday, and more is on the way, along with cold. Rats! The Hubby went out twice this week to restock our food stores; he's trying to go out very little.

  3. Staying healthy is so good Ducky and that yum sure looks good. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Happy Thankful Thursday!! We ordered some food from our local restaurant as well. We are glad you and your mom are doing well. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  5. My human is kind of getting tired of her own cooking! She has been alternating between local restaurant meals and making her own, and we're at the tail end of the week where we are mostly doing the latter!

  6. We live too far out for takeaways to deliver so I have to cook every day.It has been lovely weather for almost 2 weeks but we have heavy rain forecast for tomorrow and maybe part of Saturday. That is a lovely sun puddle shining in on you.

  7. Our mom's planning to venture out for groceries tomorrow. Eeek. She better get us some treats, is all we can say.

  8. Our huMom got groceries today - first time in 2 weeks, so that should hold us for awhile. We have had snow yesterday and today too. Brrr ! You and Mum stay safe and warm!


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