
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Hi All. Me and mum are doing fine. She hasn't been out of the house, other than to do yard work or go for a walk in over a week. She isn't getting close to any other humans. Just getting close to me. She is planning on going to get foods today, but the store is small, she and be in and out quick. She has her list and she will get the stuff she needs and get home.

So we are doing our best to practice social distancing. I can't say this enuf. Stay home and stay away from other non-family peoples.
Mum's first racy thing got cancelled, she is happy for that, even though she wasn't going to go. This way all of her furiends will be safe.

You all stay safe too. Our inner-webs are being really slow and wonky, so we aren't visiting much.


  1. Wowza Ducky - is that a laugh or a roar?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Our Mom went and fetched groceries yesterday and then they wiped everything down before it came into the house.

  3. My human will probably do a shopping trip in the next couple of days, but it'll only be to a restaurant. They are offering staples and some produce these days to help make ends meet, and they are a lot less germy than the actual grocery stores.

  4. your Mama is a smart lady. We just scheduled a grocery store curbside pickup but have to wait til Monday to pick it up which is fine because we have stuff. Toilet paper and paper towels are SUPER hard to find again. Stay safe and healthy!!

  5. Everything here is cancelled too. It is impossible to get a delivery slot for groceries from the main supermarkets. I have started getting meat delivered from a local farmer/ butcher, and found a local company that will deliver fruit and veg grown on local farms. They have a 2 week plus waiting list though so I put the next order in before I have received the current one. I have a friend who gets milk, cheese etc every week so we are managing okay.

  6. Heard you loud and clear, Ducky! MOL! My mum braved the grocery store this morning and brought back some litter and wheat grass for me plus the few things she needed. Store was very empty which made shopping a little less stressful but she couldn't wait to get home and wipe everything down. Some things she left in the trunk until Sunday.

  7. Ducky, if the humans didn’t hear that, they must be deaf!!

  8. Loud and clear indeed! Mom & dad are doing a grocery run very early this morning, and mom's got it organized down to just one stop instead of the usual 4 or 5. They've been doing a lot of walking, keeping their distance, of course, and they've been spending lots of time out on the deck in the sun. Stay safe, my friend.


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