
Saturday, May 23, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! For those of us in Mericky it is a long weekend, although with mum being retired it doesn't matter. Other than special things happen but not this year. No parades and such so people can stay safe.

Dan the handy guy stopped by yesterday to measure for a couple of doors. He didn't need to come into the house, just to make sure mum orders the correct size doors to replace the ones we have now. Going to get new storm/screen doors soon.

Spring is slowly getting here. Mum can finally begin to see the crabby apple blooms! Plus the naybors cherry tree in bloom. Mum says stuff is way late this year.

 Mum tried to catch up with a couple of recorded shows. This one was on eagles. Those big birds can fly pretty well. Here are Mr and Mrs Bald Eagle.
Mum got a new cooking pot, I had to check out the box. Nice one mum. Do you think she has enuf shoes?
Everyone had a good weekend.

Stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. Hooray for Spring, Bird-TV and boxes Ducky!

  2. We're so glad Spring finally arrived ! Purrs

  3. It sounds like you are having a good long weekend, even if it is a stay-at-home one!

  4. Great TV and a box to watch it from - sounds like a great weekend Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. That is a nice new box for you, Ducky.
    I am glad Spring is arriving for you at last.

  6. Ducks, one cannot have enough shoes, especially good shoes that are good to a human's feet! I know of what I speak, having had bunion surgery when I was only 20!


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