
Saturday, May 30, 2020


HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday. My day is starting out just marvy. Mum got up and opened the windows so I can enjoy our beauty-full sunny day. I am planted on my perch in the front window.

Mum is all bummed about the jelly feeders for the orioles. She bought them online through a local store, so didn't see them first. Well, not working out well. The cups are a thin glass and break. Yesterday the feeder was down in the grass. Why? The hanging hook came out of the wood, another cup broke.
So here is what it should be, and you can see the cups. Glass, not good, they stick in the holes.
Mum seeing the feeder down on the ground.
The hook, all hanging and not attached like it should. Mum first thought maybe the raccoons had knocked it down, but no.
 Mum carefully got all of the broked glass out from the grass. Mum doesn't walk barefoot outside so no worry on cut feets.
 Mum set the feeder down on the table outside, she got some other plastic cups and put those out for the birdies so they had their foods
Mum had already ordered new feeders to come earlier in the week. The order arrived but only one feeder, mum had ordered two. She complained but rather than ship the second one, they just gave her a refund. Mum was out shopping again this morning and ordered another one of these plus a different one.
Me inspecting one of the old feeders. Mum took it apart to see if she can modify it to accept the old plastic cups from the old feeder.
Me enjoying the open window and sunshine. Hope you all have a good day too.

Stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. That's a shame about the feeders...they don't make things like they used to Ducky. Enjoy those window whiffies!

  2. It is a pity the feeders were such poor quality. Nothing seems sent out properly lately and they all blame the virus. If they can't supply the goods or service then don't take the order!
    I ordered some tomato plug plants to grow on and they should have been sent out on March 20th. The date on the package when they were sent was 16th May and they were all dead when they arrived.I am still waiting to hear back from them.

  3. It's just as well your mum is committed to feeding the fevvers, isn't it? She's sure had to persevere to get their feeders working wel.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. What a bummer about the feeder, Ducky. We hope the new ones work out better.

  5. That is too bad about the feeders. :-(

  6. Hi Ducky.....well that's just plain sad that the feeder wasn't made well. Your Mum tried to fix it but - well - at least she has other ideas! My Mom says all the time "they just don't make stuff the way they used to" - now I am beginning to think she's right!

    Hugs, Teddy


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