
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. Hope you are all well. Enjoying the warms, we had rain yesterday and it will be steamy today and for the next few days.
Future flowers on our ornamental thistle. This attracts lots of bees, hummers and butterflies.
Fleabane, a native flower which we all need more of in our landscapes for the good of bees and such.
Our grape vine is looking all lush even when though we cut it way back in the spring. We even had to cut it back again as it was starting to grow over the lilac just like other years.
Baby grapes starting to grow.
The naybors day lilies, the usual orange type. Our fancier ones are just starting to bloom. Pictures coming.
We found baby birds in our ash tree, they must have been almost ready to fly out as a couple of days later they were gone.

That is all for this week. Stay safe, stay healthy. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Good to see the birds and the bees! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I think I've got some fleabane in the yard; those leaves are distinctive!

  3. Everything sure is pretty and how cool you had baby birdies!

  4. Your garden is looking lovely, and so nice to have had baby birds too! We have lots of fuschias as well as passion flowers and Helenia. We also have quite a few wildflowers and have noticed that there are a lot more bees than usual.

    Tama and Genji

  5. hay ewe galz.....grate post two day N we wooda gived it 984 pawz up but frank lee we can onlee givez it 902 coz oh ......well ask mum & ducky :) ♥♥♥

    we getz thiztle heer but we haz never seen it flower??? may bee itz de wrong kinda thiztle ???

    heerz two a grate week a head !! ☺☺♥♥

  6. It looks like there will be a good crop of grapes.
    A few weeks ago a wagtail built her nest in the barn right beside all the switches and plugs. Now she has built a new nest in the pot my miniature Japanese maple is growing in.When I water all the tubs I have to very carefully trickle water in slowly on the other side. She used to fly off when I did it, but now she stays on the nest watching me.

  7. So nice to see the plants and flowers.

  8. These are all wonderful photos, but dad especially likes the grape ones. There was a ditch in the back yard where he grew up centuries ago up in Massachusetts, and there were wild grapes growing all over the place.


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