
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. The super hots have gone for a few days so some pleasant weather, a little rain. Mum even has come out to the garden after dark a couple of times this week. She is looking for the comet but no luck so far. Tonight it was cloudy in the direction she needed to look.
Here are some of the flowers in the back. The orinch day lilies, cone flowers, the dried allium orbs. The orinch flowers really stand out in the morning sun.
The birds spill enuf of the sunflower seeds that she feeds them and we have lots of volunteer sunflower plants this summer. Here is one of the flowers that has opened up. We saw a goldy finch picking to check for seeds the last few days.
Plus mum moved this feeder and hung it from the crabby apple tree. She found it totally empty and on the ground the other morning. The sqwerls got at it but it is also rusted at the bottom where it broked. Mum will look for a new one to use this winter.
So that is about it for today. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.

Stay safe, stay healthy. Wear a mask!


  1. Fabulous flowers.

    When you say "the super hots", what kind of temperatures are you referring to?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We have hot AND sticky, and yesterday the amount of sweat that came out of me was extreme! Your flowers are pretty; sorry that feeder gave up the ghost.

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous ! Purrs

  4. Those are some mighty pretty flowers Ducky!

  5. hay ewe galz.....squirrel iz az ROOD az harez N burd.... noe consideration for prop ur tee; plantz ore kleen sidewalkz !!!

    heerz two a grate week a head ~~ ☺☺♥3

  6. Those flowers are so pretty. It hasn’t been as hot here either...but that’s gonna change this weekend.


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