
Monday, July 27, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

I am a slave to my cats! Long live my cats. - Cheryl Daniels

I hope I can consider mum to be my slave!

Thanks for the tips on seeing the comet. Mum is a long time star gazer so knows about looking for faint items out of the side of the eye. She even has an app on her phone that can help her find things and when she looked at it yesterday and saw what it said the position of the comet was, she thinks maybe she did see it. A fuzzy, faint blob in the sky below the big dipper. She wishes we lived in a place that had less light pollution however.

 Mum made pickles, the quick kind you just slice, add sugar and vinegar and let them sit in the big cold box for a few days. Mum says they need to sit another day afore she tries them.
 She also cooked herself a really good steak and did eggy plant on the grill on Caturday evening. First time this summer for eggy plant and steak!

 Yep, I got some and I got to lick the plate when it was all over.
 I'm coming to sit on you mum! I don't care how hot it is, I will sit on you!

That is all for today. Have a wonderful week.

Stay safe, stay healthy. Wear a mask.


  1. You're absolutely right Ducky - it doesn't matter how hot it is, you're still entitled to sit on your mum. Love that last mega-close-up pic of you.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Ducky, I went out several times to see that comet, but never managed to glimpse even a blob. Oh well.
    I ADORE pickles, and The Hubby makes them for me often. He also uses pickle juice in his salads and various meals. Yum...

  3. Ducky, I'll bet after you finished licking that plate your mum was able to put it right back in the cabinet.

  4. You sure were having some yum with Mum Ducky!

  5. THATZ what we call an awesum week oh end, steak, time with mum, steak, heerz hopin ya get nother way awesum week oh end...THIZ week oh end :) ♥♥☺☺

  6. Glad you got some of that steak and a lick of the plate, Ducky.

  7. What a nice meal for your mum and a good treat for you, Ducky!

  8. Licking a good-tastey plate is one of the joys of bein around Beins! Steak- fat, bacon-grease, chickie-juice...

  9. Ducky, if you can believe it, ever since the comet became visible in the evening sky we've had clouds and rain! (We're in the monsoon season.) Not that we care, but our mom does and she's been bummed. Seeing pictures on the interwebs is not quite the same. :-(

    Mmmm, pickles!

  10. Those are fantastic close-ups! You are as handsome as ever :-) We want to know how those pickles turn out--the Human thinks if they're good she might give that a try. I seem to have guilted her into helping me post sometimes, and it's really good to see you Ducky!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.