
Saturday, November 28, 2020


HiYa Ducky here, happy Caturday. I hope all of you had a nice holly-day. Me and mum did. She stayed home like a good purson, well she did go for a walk just nearby. Stayed away from people. 

Here I am getting my little bites of foods from mum's holly-day dinner. It was yummy! She didn't give me much and I didn't get anything else from her plate. 

I did lots of napping the past few days. Mum did her usual stuff. On they holly-days she did watch some feetsball but didn't watch the full game of any of the games. Heck, she didn't even realize the evening game had been cancelled cuz of the virus. So instead of feetsball she watched a woofie show!

Mum was counting birds first thing after she got up this morning. We had a robin hanging out at the bird bath, then it got a snack of meal worms, then off to the tree. A little bit later a second robin showed up in the tree. Those crazy guys still haven't gone south but mum says they have food and water here, so why leave? Cuz it is going to get cold and snowy soon you silly birds! Go South!

Oh yeah, that big fat book you see in the first pic. Mum is almost finished with it, she has less than 100 pages to read. She has an appointment to pick up her new books on Monday. She will get this one done most likely today, but certainly on Sunday at the latest. 

Have a good weekend. Stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask. 


  1. Ducky, you're in a hot bed, just like Sweeties!
    I call it her Crockpot...hehehehe!

  2. You sure look cozy in your bed Ducky!

  3. You look very comfy in your bed, and you can see what is going on from there.

  4. We're glad you had a quiet celebration. You look very comfy in your bed, Ducky ! Purrs

  5. What's this about your mum watching a woofie show??? That is simply not on and you'd better tell her Ducky. Cats rule; dogs drool.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Sounds like a purrfect Thanksgiving, Ducky...specially since you got some foods from your mum’s plate.

  7. Sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving! (Yes, you're more than welcome to use our art. Thanks for asking!)

  8. Glad that you got to share a little bit o the turkey, Ducky!

    Tama and Genji

  9. That meal sure looks yummy, but that snoozy bed photo is marvelous for sure.

  10. Great to hear you had a nice bit of turkey and that meal of Moms sure does look tasty. Keep safe friends

  11. That turkey looks delicious! You look very cozy in your bed.

    The Florida Furkids


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