
Monday, November 30, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

In his castle He is King And I his vassal... - Mildred R. Howland

Yeah I am the King! Mum will cater to my every whim. Foods, napping time, treats, loves and whatever else I want. 

Me and mum had a quiet rest of the holly-day weekend. The only thing mum did that she had to go somewhere in the metal monster was to pick up a very large stash of sunflower seeds for the fevvers. She got four 40 pound bags. That should keep us through the winter for our little fevver guys. 

Mum didn't do much on Sunday. Well, she did get the washing done, then she took a nice nap during the afternoon. When she started the nap it was a bright sunny day, when she woke up it was cloudy!
I napped too, I even managed to nap during the Packer game in the evening. 

I occupied mum's lap duirng the game too, help her with crow-shay. She hadn't done much crow-shay as she wanted to make sure she got that big fat book read. So she made good progress on the blankie today. Over half way done now. 

Mum ate the last of the holly-day meal, but guys, it isn't turkey, it is duck. Much smaller and not so much for mum to eat. Still a little bit of stuffing, taters and corn, but mum can eat those with a slice of ham some other night. 

Puzzle time! We asked super nice and we got purrmission to make a puzzle to post of Dolly from Brian's Home. Hope you enjoy this puzzle! This is the actual phone, they also did an arty form of this pic and we will post that puzzle another day. 


Feetsball Report

The Pack done good playing Da Bears on Sunday night. Team looked sharp, offense and defense. Both  offense and defense were able to score. That makes thing looks good. This is the longest running rivalry in the NFL and The Pack has now won 100 of the 199 games played. ARodg passed 50,000 yards for his career. We saw a bit of a post game interview, the old boy has gray in his beard!

Mum even got a video of one of the scores and me just snoozing in my hammick. 

Have a good week. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask.


  1. My human stayed home the whole long weekend, except for one trip to the market on Friday (for a quarter of a pumpkin pie), which is really unusual for her! She did have company on Friday, but he is her safe human for the duration of the pandemic.

  2. You look very comfy in your ham-mick! Thanks for the puzzle!!

    The Florida Furkids

  3. MOL, I think Dolly has her eyes on that yummy meal up above her!

  4. The Thanksgiving dinner looks tasty. I don't like turkey so would choose duck too.

  5. Snoozing is always the best way to go, Ducky!
    Thanks for the puzzle.

  6. Thank cod that was duck and not Ducky! MOL!

  7. That holiday meal looks tasty, yum ! Purrs


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