
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Puzzle Thursday - Happy New Year's Eve!

 Wowza, we made it to the last day of this crazy year. Here's hoping that this upcoming years isn't quite so eventful. 

We got lots of heavy, wet snow Tuesday into early Wednesday. Mum got it all cleared off so that she can get out to do stuff. Driveway isn't completely clear as mum would like, but she is OK with that. Cuz we are supposed to get more snow from Friday into Caturday!

Me? well I just watched mum doing her clearing off. I can't help her do this stuff but I am sure to make sure she is properly snoopervised from the warmth of my spot. 

Mum does have a huge stack of books to read, seems she didn't expect to get them all two days in a row but that is OK. She already has one done which isn't in this pic, and some of these are such she can easily get them read in a day, two at most. 

Puzzles? Let's see what we got today. Well a pic of mum's pile of books. One each of me and Derbs and finally a vishus deer from Waffles and Ellie's yard. 

Enjoy, Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask and get the vaccine when you can. 
preview120pieceIMG_3301 preview120pieceIMGP4092 preview108pieceIMGP7351-2 preview110pieceVishus Deer


  1. Whoa, Ducky...I am intrigued with your mom's stack of books!
    Am always on the lookout for a good read.
    Is she on Goodreads? I added a list of the last five books that I've read to my blog, on the right side at the bottom, in case she's interested.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Ooh, and thanks for the puzzles...I'm off to play!

  2. Oh my, that's too much snow for me but at least your Mom has a few books to keep her busy. I hope you have a safe and quiet New Years Eve.

  3. Our local libraries have closed (without warning) because of a minor outbreak of COVID cases, so I'm down to the last two books that I had already borrowed and sweating on the library re-opening soon!! Glad your mum is stocked up.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We hope your mum is careful in that snow! Have a Happy New Year you two!

  5. Looks like you've got the perfect spot for warmth there over that vent, dear Ducky. Here's hoping all that white stuff stays away from us down south, and also hoping that 2021 is a better year than 2020 was. Happy New Year!

  6. Ducky you have the right idea of watching from the warm. Wow Mom is a voracious reader. Great puzzles and a Happy New Year All!

  7. Looks like you have a very good warm spot to snoopervise from.


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