
Saturday, January 16, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! Hope everyone's weekend is off to a good start, mine is. First the heaty monster is blowing lots of hot air to make me all warms. Then I get to look out at a very pretty outside as we got just a little bit of snow overnight. All white and clean outside. 

Me and mum will be waiting for later today as we can watch The Pack play feetsball against the LaLa Land Rams. The game will be played on the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field! Go Pack Go!

I see I had a comment from a human last time, someone from New Zealand! Welcome! Do you know Poppy Q, my cat furiend, who lives in Wellington? Me and mum were watching the sailing from your country last night. The boats were flying too fast but it was still interesting. It looks so nice to see summer with sunshine, warm waters, green trees and such. 

Sitting on mum so she goes and gets her brekkie and then cleans off the fevver feeders. Just enuf snow to make it hard for them to find the foods. Then we can do whatever until game time. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when  you can. 


  1. that is a great picture of the snow in the tree

  2. Ducky, you are a handsome mancat, and I too am rooting for The Packers; have always been a fan!
    I'm off to play your puzzle from the other day...thanks again!

  3. We love your photo Ducky and that Brrrr Cold does look clean and pretty!

  4. The snow looks pretty. It has turned mild for us down South, but up North and in the East they are getting quite a lot of snow.

  5. I hope your team wins, Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. I love Poppy Q's blog! My human wishes she could visit New Zealand. The only problem is if she goes (when it is allowed again), she would have to go without me.

  7. Hello Ducky and your Mum. I haven't met Poppy Q or her Mum but I do follow her blog. Today the U.S. boat went all whoopsie-daisy and capsized. Big relief that the crew are all safe, and the boat is slowly being brought back to port with lots of help from our coast guards etc... - but it apparently has a hole somewhere in the hull. Hope you and your lovely Mum stay warm and stay safe, Michelle in Wellington, New Zealand

  8. Brrrrr, that snow- beautiful to look at, but no thanks. That second photo, my dear mancat, is gingerlicious!

  9. Duckie that is a really pretty photo of the snow. Good luck with your Feetzball

  10. Wow, look at that pretty snow! Still, we bet you're happy that you're an indoor boy!


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