
Saturday, January 23, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Me and mum are planning on taking it easy today. What? Oh mum says she needs to use the sucky monster a bit. Time to pick up some of my furs. 

I almost scored a chicken wing last night. Mum heated up some wings from the store. She took them to eat while watching the moving picture box. She didn't realize one dropped off her little plate. So while I sat so nice while she ate, I only got a tiny bit of chicky. As she took her bones back to the kitch-hen she notice I was doing something on the floor with something. At first she thought I had yakked up. Then she turned the light on and saw the whole wing. So she picked it up from me, but she did pull off the outside stuff and did give me a bit more of the chicky. Thanks mum. 

Mum was watching some of the racy sailing boats last night. They took forever to get the race going, but once they did it was an exciting race. The You-Kay gang won again!

Mum finally got the telly-scope out of the box and put it together. The white thing on the left is just a cover she has for the lens. She hasn't taken it outside to look at the moon or stars. When it is clear out around here it is cold and mum is a wimp and doesn't want to get cold sitting outside using it. 

So what had mum looked at? Well, the fevver feeders and you can take pics with her phone, but she hasn't gotten a good shot yet. She doesn't think she has it set up like it should be. 

We have new naybors and mum thinks they have a woofie. When she came home yesterday from getting foods she saw someone walking into the house as she drove by. Mum said it looked like a corgi butt. 

Plus tomorrow we get to watch feetsball with our Packers playing. Can I ask they you all wish our team on to victory? Thanks. 

Have a good weekend. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. Hooray for bonus chicken! Hey Ducky, that telescope looks pretty darn nice!

  2. Ducky, did you know that a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken is the purrfect bait for a humane cat trap? I'm told is sovereign, although we've just used tuna and kippered snacks. TNR, TNR,'s the loving way to help community cats.

  3. We are glad ya got some chicky. We love it. When Dad has chicky cut up in a bowl, there are meat bits and chicky fat! He puts it on the floor for whoever finds it first. Sometimes there are 2 noesies in the bowl... YUM!

  4. Glad your mum saw the wing on the floor and gave you the meat with no bones.

  5. I'm glad you got some bonus chicken! Also glad you didn't get the whole wing - that might not have been too good for your digestive system.

  6. A corgi woofie next door? I'm sure you can take him Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Extra Chicken for you and Mom with her telescope Win Win

  8. Tell your Mama we think the telescope is set up right 0 the sort of blur is from taking a picture through the window. The space between the windows has dead air thatis magnified so much that it looks blurred.


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