
Saturday, January 9, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! Hope everyone is doing well. At least things are much quieter in the DC place which makes mum happy. When she is happy, I am too!

So what I am up to? Not much. Mum decided to get herself a prezzie last week based on watching the planets. So she bought a telly-scope. She hasn't used it yet cuz it has been so cloudy. I liked the big long box it came in!

I was in it for a bit, but then ignored it, so mum put it out with the recycling. She has been clearing things out a bit after the holly-daze. All that after getting the Christ-mouse stuff put away. 

We have a crazy robin that won't go south for the winter. Mum is pretty sure it is the same bird from the markings. Thankfully for him mum has food and water out!

Mum finished one blankie and started the next one. She got the one done while watching the chaos the other night. Plus she started the next one. Plus watching the Flix, stuff she recorded and reading!

Want to say farewell to a lovely lady cat, Zoey from Island Cats. Mum always loved here eyes, so we did a puzzle of her. Farewell sweet lady. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can. 
preview110pieceZOEY-The-Island-Cats-Foreverpreview110pieceAngel Zoey


  1. We are so sad about Zoey. It's been a very, very sad week all the way around.

    Tell your mum she's got to get that telescope up. Right after sunset on Sunday she'll get to see the rare planetary trio of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury!

    1. Well, it was sunny and clear for a bit. Now getting cloudy again. So little chance of seeing stars and planets and such.

  2. How cool for your Mom to have a telescope and how cool for you to get the box Ducky! We're super sad about dear Zoey too.

  3. I was very sad to hear about Zoey too. That was a nice long box. You could really stretch out in there.

  4. Dad says he'd love to have a telescope, too. We, too, were so sad to read about sweet Angel Zoey. Boxes sure can be fun, can't they? Like some of my toys I play in them briefly, and then lose interest.

  5. Dad wanted a Telescope but we have too many trees. We hope Mom really enjoys it. We love her crochet and think it is an amazing art. We were sorry about dear Zoey, so sad


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