
Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy 2021

 Happy New Year everyone. Wishing that this year is less traumatic for the world than the last one. Mum didn't stay up until midnight. She says she didn't even hear the ticky-tock clock chime midnight. So she was out for the count. 

Mum worked on getting the last of the snow off the driveway. It looks nice and clear, just in time for more snow today. She doesn't plan on doing much today, just the usual daily stuff and read books. Really, she doesn't let a day go by without reading. Last year, since she was home so much she readed 151 books by her list. Wowza! She is working on number 1 for this year. 

Happy 2021! May it be better. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask and get the vaccine when you can. 


  1. Happy New Year!
    Wishing all joy, peace, and love.
    151 is a huge #; congrats on that!

  2. Happy New Year from all of us Ducky and Mom!

  3. Great job on the driveway, mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Happy New Year to you and your mum, Ducky!

  5. Your human is much better at reading than my human is, Ducky! She needs to do more.

  6. Wishing you and Mum a good New Year !


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