
Monday, January 4, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Every dog has his day - but the nights are reserved for the cats.

Oh yeah, at night mum is sleeping and I can do whatever I want. Play, roam around, play with my mousies. Only have to worry if I wake mum and then she gets up to check things out. 

Mum put the Christmouse stuff away yesterday. She doesn't get much out to begin with, but no stuff to walk around or clean around. Although this also means mum will be doing more cleaning this week. Sigh, that means the sucky monster will be way too active. 

So you can see me and mum watching the Packer game and mum working on her crow-shay. Plus mum was watching stuff on the Flix. 

Although I got tricked into a session of clippy claws. While I was sitting on mum during the game my back claws started to dig into her leg. So she gently to get at my back paws, she upended me like a baby. She got one paw done before I got wiggly, however, she picked me up, gave me some kisses and got me back down to finish the last paw. Good to go for a while again. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - The road to the Stouper Bowl will go through Green Bay! They done good. First, they beat Da Bears. Second, they are the number 1 seed for the NFC. Third, this means they get to take next weekend off while the rest of the teams beat each other up. Mum sees from the schedule there will be three games both on Caturday and Sunday. Mum says she will not be watching all the games. She will wait and find out which teams are playing at what time. 

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can. 


  1. It's surprising that you allowed yourself to get snatched up like that for claw clipping, Ducky! Come to Australia - I've never heard of a cat owner clipping claws here. I don't understand why it seems so widespread in USA and virtually unheard of here. Weird.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I'm due for a claw clipping too Ducky, I don't mind it one bit.

  3. You are a good boy to let your mum clip your claws, Ducky.

  4. The Hubby used to clip Celestial Angel and Chuck's claws, but he felt as if Da Boyz hated him when he tried on them, so they don't get clipped! Nor does Sweetie, but I am trying to get her used to me handling her feet. She's a bit of a wildcat!

  5. Uh-oh, you mentioned claw trims, and now my human is giving me one! MOL

  6. I bet with you on your lap for your Mom's crochet she is extra careful of your claws. Purrs.

  7. Sounds like you had a relaxing Sunday, Ducky.

  8. That looks so comfy Ducky. Good work too letting Mom trim those claws


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